A 12-year-old girl who submitted a letter to Disney asking them to develop a character with spectacles has expressed her delight that they have done so in their current film, Encanto:

A Still Of Lowri the 12 year girl who wished a glasses-wearing Disney heroine
A Still Of Lowri the 12 year girl who wished a glasses-wearing Disney heroine

A 12-year-old girl who submitted a letter to Disney asking them to develop a personality with spectacles has expressed her delight that they needed to do so in their latest film, Encanto. Lowri, from Chilwell in Nottinghamshire, first contacted the firm when she was 9 years old. The director of the film expressed that he was unable to tell her at the time that her need was returning to her. Lowri represented the character Mirabel as “funny and daring.” Lowri explained that she wrote the letter since she was the sole one in her family UN agency who wore spectacles. She stated:

She explained that “I felt a touch alone, and that I did not suppose I used to be lovely enough.” The film is about a family that lives in Encanto, an exquisite realm where each kid incorporates a state apart from Mirabel. On the other hand, Mirabel’s bravery saves the day. Mirabel is my final favorite. “She’s humorous and has such a robust, fearless persona,” Lowri stated.

When Encanto was released, Lowri’s dream came true:

A Still Of Mirabel From Disney's Encanto
A Still Of Mirabel From Disney’s Encanto

She was absolutely overjoyed that, even if it wasn’t because of her letter, young girls and boys now have a role model to look up to. ” On Twitter, Jared Bush, the writer and director of Encanto, stated that when Lowri approached Disney, the studio was already creating a feature starring a character with spectacles. Three years ago, Lowri emailed Disney and requested a heroine with spectacles, “he explained. “I couldn’t say her dream was already being fulfilled.” Lowri has now authored a book about a princess who wears glasses and is an advocate for a sight-saving organization. She now considers her spectacles to be a vital part of her identity, she claims. She explained, “I wouldn’t want to be without my spectacles.” “I feel like my spectacles are a part of who I am.” So, what are your thoughts on Lowri’s lovely story? Have you watched the film Encanto yet? What are your thoughts on the matter? Please let us know in the comments section below. Until then, we will see you lads in the next article, but don’t forget to keep on reading Animated Times, your one-stop destination for getting a closer look into the entertainment industry, upcoming movies and TV series, celebrity gossip, and much more. We have got you all covered. Continue reading Animated Times, guys, for more.

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