• Aaron Paul shared the answer he gave to everyone asking about finale of Breaking Bad.
  • Creator of the show said they decided to exit the stage with Breaking Bad at the right moment.
  • Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston says the finale was '100% satisfying'

Created by Vince Gilligan, the highly popular and celebrated crime drama television series Breaking Bad starred Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul in the lead for five seasons. The show’s second season and following received critical acclaim with praises for the performance compared to the first season, which did receive positive responses as well. Breaking Bad has developed a cult following over the years and has been deemed one of the greatest shows of all time.

Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston
Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston in Breaking Bad | Credits: AMC

The success of Breaking Bad helped in building a large franchise with a prequel series Better Call Saul and a sequel movie, El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie. The movie saw Aaron Paul reprise his character from the show and received appreciation from critics and the audience. The actor once shared during an interview a trick he played for the fans who kept pestering him with one question.

Aaron Paul admits to using one answer for the fans who wanted to know the end of Breaking Bad

The cast of Breaking Bad, including Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul, appeared for an interview with Conan O’Brien, where Paul, who played Jesse Pinkman, admitted to using one genius trick to shut the fans who kept asking him about the ending of the show. Even O’Brien wanted to know what happens at the end of the show at the time, to which Paul said,

Everyone dies.

Bryan Cranston
Bryan Cranston as Walter White in Breaking Bad | Credits: AMC

The actor added that he told everyone who has been asking him about how the show ends that every one of them will die and later joked with Cranston by saying,

The only one who stays alive is baby Holly. She has little guns.

However, it can be assumed that the fans who got the answer from Paul must be infuriated with it . The reason being the fact that nothing is more infuriating than getting a lie or a made up answer for the ending than the actors being honest and saying that they cannot share. The fans understand their position but maybe actors should not make up endings that are not true and give fans hope or make them sad before the episode premieres.

When the creator of the show was asked about writing the finale episode during his interview with EW, he shared that people will have a different ending for the show in their mind’s eye, and therefore they are bound to disappoint a certain number of folks. It is indeed a challenge to wrap up a show that is one of TV’s most daring, beloved, and obsessed-over dramas.

The creator added that every story has its running time, and it’s just hard on television to know what that running length should amount to. Gillian shared with the publication that he feels very happy and satisfied by the fact that they wrapped up the show after five seasons. He noted that they picked the right moment to exit and he felt very confident about his decision.

Aaron Paul calls the Breaking Bad finale ‘100% satisfying’

In a discussion with EW, Aaron Paul and Bryan Cranston discussed the ending of Breaking Bad, and Paul described it as ‘100% satisfying’. He explained,

There were thoughts I had that maybe Walt would be the only one standing. I love that toward the end, Walt’s there to go on a suicide mission and blow everyone up, including Jesse, but he sees what they have put him through. His hair’s super long; he’s vacant. There’s not a soul in him anymore, and Walt decides that he deserves a second chance, so he dives on him. He throws himself in front of a bullet for him—and it’s kind of beautiful.

Paul added that it was good that Walt died because he was an evil man who needed to go. He further said that he always had a vision that Jesse would kill Walt, and he wanted that, but as the show led to the finale, the actor admitted he no longer wanted that. He said Jesse may have done some really bad things, but he could never kill anyone on purpose.

Aaron Paul
Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad | Credits: AMC

When asked Cranston about the finale, he echoed the same emotion, stating that it was a very satisfying and unapologetic finish to the unforgiving story. He explained that Walt, after witnessing how Jesse has been treated over four or five months, shocked him, and his first impulse was to protect him. He noted that it was fitting that the man who was so put upon and mistreated had a chance.

The actor says he loved how it ends with Jesse Pinkman having a chance. He shared with the publication that their story was not good conquers evil, or good guys against the bad guys, but it was much muddier than that. Cranston, who is like a mentor and best friend to Paul in real life, shared that Walt and Jesse’s friendship mattered to the characters, which is why Walt took the bullet to protect Jesse.

Breaking Bad is streaming on Netflix.

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