Actors That Hated Being In These Fan-Favorite Franchise Films
There have been many movies with iconic film franchises, like Star Wars or the Terminator series. Some of these last for multiple generations and make billions of dollars. In this regard, most of the actors involved in such a franchise would proclaim that it’s among their best work and they feel proud to be associated with them. Yet, occasionally, an actor feels something that makes one wonder if the movie was actually made with any passion on their part. With that being said, here’s a list of actors who hated being in these fan-favorite franchise films –
Daniel Radcliffe In Fan Favorite Franchise Film ‘Harry Potter’
The Harry Potter star has taken part in eight wildly popular movies throughout his career. All of them received largely positive reviews and have gone on to rake in hundreds of millions at the box office. However, despite the less-than-perfect beginning of his big-screen career, Radcliffe has forgotten just how far he’s come from that point in time. But one film from the stunning franchise scares him more than all others is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Related: Why These Harry Potter Actors Were Secretly Recast In The Sequels

Arnold Schwarzenegger In Fan Favorite Franchise Film ‘Terminator’
The Terminator franchise is without a doubt one of the most confusing and strange series. However, we all have our favorites throughout each film series and we tend to side with them over others because of that fact. There’s little denying that the lead actor didn’t consider Terminator Genysis much when it comes down to his favorite film. By being honest about his least favorite film, he has hinted at everyone involved in future installments to make sure he returns as the iconic character that he so skillfully portrays.

Will Smith In Fan Favorite Franchise Film ‘MIB’
Will Smith has remained vocal about his opinion on the subject ever since he starred in the Men in Black franchise. With that being said, he wasn’t happy with its second movie (Men in Black II) as it was more of a cash grab. But time and time again he has proven that “cash grab” sequels can be reinvented, just like we’ve seen with MIB3.
Related: 15 Humorous Men In Black Memes That Will Definitely Make You Laugh.

Sylvester Stallone In Fan Favorite Franchise Film ‘Rocky’
Rocky as a franchise has had a great start. But, despite boasting the odd dip here and there, the makers worked for years to build the franchise up to successively higher standards of film-making. This is why today we can all agree that it’s amazing that this particular franchise has endured for as long as it has (of course not counting the widely panned Rocky V). It was truly a brave move. But ultimately, each installment has proved just how beautiful an artistic ending he gave us with that particular film.

Christopher Reeve In Fan Favorite Franchise Film ‘Superman’
Critics and fans alike have always pointed the figure at Superman IV: The Quest For Peace when it comes to the many reasons they list as to why viewers alike stopped going to see comic book movies in droves. Christopher Reeves was well aware during the production of Superman IV: The Quest For Peace that not only did Warner Bros. severely overestimate how much money the film would pull in but also how underwhelming some of its special effects came out looking on the screen.
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