“Without wonder and insight, acting is just a business. With it, it becomes creation.” – Bette Davis

Many accept that perhaps the hardest thing to play in films is the role of a villain. Indeed, even your number one actors and actresses discover depicting a villain is an intense accomplishment. However, there’s a gathering of actors in Hollywood so knowledgeable in portraying the bad guys that it appears as though they were destined to play these baddies. A few entertainers are so acceptable at playing their parts that everybody hates them. Each great story needs a villain. However, fans who consider them genuine haven’t generally sorted out some way to hate the character yet respect the actor. According to several television and film entertainers, individuals have despised them due to the characters they’ve played. Whether its film or television entertainers who play villains, scalawags, or just plain old jerks, or regardless of whether they play a friendly individual who commits a one-time offensive error, a few fans can’t separate what they are watching on the screen from reality. A few actors have even got hate mail or mean tweets, yet additional physical blows and barbs when they’re all over town. Regardless of whether this is because their characters slam beloved characters into a mash, settle on helpless decisions about their kids’ welfare, or allure another person’s love interest, every one of these entertainers has experienced fans who hated them in real life. Well, These skilled actors can make anyone shuddered by just seeing them, so here it is, actors who were so brilliant at playing villains that now people hate them, sorry not sorry!!!

10. Jason Isaacs as Colonel Tavington in The Patriot and other roles:



9. Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister in Game of Thrones:



8. Javier Bardem as Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men:



7. Tom Felton as Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter:



6. Elaine Hendrix as Meredith Blake in The Parent Trap:



5. Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange in Harry Potter:



4. Sam Neill as Inspector Campbell in Peaky Blinders:



3. Denzel Washington as Alonzo Harris in Training Day:



2. Andrew Scott as Moriarty in Sherlock:



1. Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring in Breaking Bad:


So yes, these are the Actors Who Were So Brilliant At Playing Villains That Now People Hate Them. Despite them playing bad/ negative characters, they really did a great job portraying their character. But some idiots just don’t get it. Do they. They even don’t know what great acting is… But for the records, these actors above have done a really great job playing the big baddies. Didn’t they? What do you guys have to say about it? Do you agree with us? Let us know down in the comment section below what you think about such a thing happening. Until then, keep on reading Animated Times, your one-stop destination, on getting a closer look into the entertainment industry, upcoming movies, and TV Series or celebrity gossips, and much more stuff; we have got you all covered. So continue reading animated times, guys, for more.

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