Agents of SHIELD: Every Time A Beloved Team Member Died
Coulson’s squad in Agents of SHIELD has faced death on multiple occasions over the course of seven seasons. Each time a fan-favourite member of Coulson’s squad died, this page will look at it. However, the times when Life-Model Decoy versions of the members were slain will not be counted in this case.
Melinda May

Melinda May is one of SHIELD’s hardest members. By the time she died for the first time in Season 4, she had already been through and survived more hardship than any one person should have to go through. May, on the other hand, encountered a magical menace in the episode “Uprising,” which proved to be too much for her. Jemma Simmons was obliged to stop her heart and bring her back, murdering her in order to cure her after she was infected by a spirit. May was stabbed by a man who resembled Coulson in the Season 6 finale, “New Life,” and while she was able to destroy the season’s villain, she died of her wounds.
Daisy Johnson

Daisy was known as Skye in the early episodes of Agents of SHIELD, and she was a skilled hacker but not yet a capable warrior. That said, she finds her equal in the Season 7 episode “As I Have Always Been,” when she and the team become trapped in a seemingly unending loop due to a temporal storm. Daisy’s death causes the loop to restart until she finds a method to break it. A gas leak was one of her many causes of death.
Jemma Simmons

Jemma Simmons, the team’s resident scientist, had to learn the hard way how to protect herself after being trapped in many life-or-death circumstances. Simmons had eluded death for practically the entire series, but in the episode “As I Have Always Been,” she finally met her maker. Jemma is thought to have died while in the same time loop as Daisy.
Leo Fitz

Since the beginning of Agents of SHIELD, Leo Fitz has had multiple close calls with death. One of the earliest was when he sought to sacrifice himself after Ward imprisoned him and Jemma at the bottom of the ocean in a containment chamber. Despite the fact that he did not succumb to the ocean’s pressure, he did have a slight brain injury. By Season 5, he had conquered his illness and grown much braver than he could have imagined. Fitz is tragically murdered by falling debris during Skye’s struggle with Graviton in the Season 5 conclusion, “The End.”
Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie

Mack is the solid foundation on which the team is built. Despite the fact that the character hasn’t died in the show’s official canon, he has met a horrific end. Fitz and Simmons must confront their darker personalities in the Season 6 episode “Inescapable.” It’s her Id, which takes the form of a violent beast, for Simmons. When Fitz is stuck, he asks Mack for assistance, but Id Simmons kills him and bites off his head before he can respond.
Yo-Yo Rodriguez

Yo-Yo Rodriguez overcome her own adversity after losing her arms and went on to become one of the team’s most dependable players. However, she meets a version of herself that has been through Hell in the Season 5 episode “Past Life.” Yo-Yo discovers a future version of herself who has been slain and resurrected several times for research while stranded aboard a Kree vessel in the future. She confronts her tormentor, Kasius, now that she is free, but he slices her throat, killing her in front of her boyfriend, Mack.