The drama comedy series The Tick has now been cancelled by Amazon after six weeks of its airing of the second season. The series featured the adventures of a superhero donning a blue insect suit with a mysterious origin and no memory with a tendency to speak like someone from the 1950s with a bit of a absurdity. He’s joined by a few odd characters in his mission to battle super villains. His teammates include Arthur, who’s a former accountant with a moth super suit which allows him to fly. The second is Overkill who is a very violent enhanced vigilante who clashes frequently with The Tick over his violent methods.

The Tick Season 2 - Official Trailer | Prime Video

Early Days Of The Tick

The Tick on Amazon Prime
The Tick on Amazon Prime

The Tick began its life in 1986 as a mascot of a newspaper for the Massachusetts comics store which was frequented by the original showrunner of the series Ben Edlund when he was a teenager. The popularity of the character led his expansion wherein he later received a full comics financed by the store itself. The humour of these comics was forged by the parodies of stories, tropes and characters seen in the world of DC and Marvel comics. Many fans have earlier mentioned the similarity between Tick and Blue Beetle.

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The news of The Tick’s cancellation came via Ben Edlund’s Twitter account. The showrunner expressed his love and gratitude towards the show and also promised fans to look for a different streaming service for the show. Many fans expressed their dismay at the cancellation news, with many even wishing the show to be picked up elsewhere.

This Wasn’t the first on-screen adaptation

The Tick comic books during the mid 90s
The Tick comic books during the mid 90s

This Tick series isn’t the first adaptation of the character onscreen. The first one came by Patrick Warburton in 2001 which was way more cartoonish than the recent one but still as much fun. Moreover, the cartoon aired for three seasons during the mid 90s.

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Just like Netflix, Amazon never reveals its viewing figures, the ratings are most likely the reason behind the cancellation of the series. Whatever one may say, The Tick was well regarded among fans but unfortunately it had to see an untimely end. Hopefully, the Tick franchise will find a new home and we will soon see the superhero once again.

Source: Screenrant, Vulture

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