The Johnny Depp v/s Amber Heard defamation trial saw a lot of media personalities coming to the fore to act as witnesses for both sides. One of them was Eve Barlow, a journalist, and Amber Heard’s close friend. She was thrown out of the trial and has become even more famous since then. Recently, she has come out to defend Amber Heard amidst a thread of tweets aimed at her by YouTube journalist “The Umbrella Guy”.

Eve Barlow
Eve Barlow became popular after being thrown out of the Defamation trial

She jabbed at the YouTube journalist, claiming that people like him make millions through sensationalism and propagating mindless hatred against certain celebrities to win online favor, and cash it in.

She also expressed how tired she is of all the hate she’s been receiving since the trial, and also shared the threats on her person that have become a routine since journalists like “The Umbrella Guy” started talking about her.

She further expressed her concerns about Evan Rachel Wood, who called out her ex-husband, singer Marilyn Manson, who coincidentally happens to be one of Johnny Depp’s closest friends. The journalist warned that Rachel Wood might also have to face similar vilification and negative press and social media representation as Amber Heard did.

Evan Rachel Wood
Evan Rachel Wood and Marilyn Manson

People call out Eve Barlow’s plea as attention-seeking

A couple of weeks back, Amber Heard had claimed that the verdict of the defamation lawsuit was a “huge setback for women” and victims of abuse would now become even more hesitant to ask for justice and share their stories with the world, in fear of backlash and hatred. The actress was profusely criticized for this statement and Depp fans called her out for her hypocrisy as well. Even Depp’s lawyer, Camille Vasquez didn’t hesitate to answer back Amber Heard on this comment. Since the verdict, Amber Heard has been making similar statements that make her the victim in the dynamic and not the abuser, be it the victim of domestic abuse in her marriage or the victim of biased social media representation.

Amber Heard
Amber Heard hasn’t accepted the verdict yet

Also Read: ‘Lie Till You Die’: Expert Proves Amber Heard’s Narcissism is Borderline Insanity, Makes Her a Compulsive Liar

Now, her best friend Eve Barlow has made similar statements making Heard and herself the victim in the situation, and carrying Evan Rachel Wood on the list of potential abuse victims. However, people across Twitter were not delicate on the uptake and they rigorously attacked the reporter for her side-taking and attention-seeking.

Who is Eve Barlow?

Eve Barlow grew up in Giffnock, Glasgow, and is currently based in Los Angeles, California, and was previously employed by National Music Express as a music journalist (NME).

Journalist Eve Barlow
Eve Barlow

After studying law for three years, she realized that her interests lay in literature, philosophy, politics, and modern studies. So she moved to London and studied Human Rights Law at University College, after which she returned to her hometown and started writing music. She subsequently became a deputy editor at NME. Currently, she is living in the United States and working as a freelancer.

Also Read: ‘Depp’s Fans Wish I Get Bottle-R*ped’: Amber Heard Supporter Eve Barlow Makes Explosive Allegations

Source: Marca

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