The defamation trial of the Pirates of the Caribbean actor Johnny Depp with his ex-wife Amber Heard enters its final week. The trial involved many celebrities connecting to either party but one big name is being highlighted in the arena who is Kate Moss.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Kate Moss is the ex of Johnny Depp who’s not a supermodel but might also play a key role in the ongoing defamation lawsuit. According to a source, The British supermodel will be called to testify this week as a rebuttal witness by Depp’s legal team. According to the source, Moss will appear via video on Wednesday.

Kate Moss to appear as a Witness in the Defamation Case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in the courtoom

The rumours of Kate being the witness began circulating after the Aquaman star spoke about an alleged 2015 incident involving her sister, Whitney referring to a rumour that Depp pushed Moss down a flight of stairs.

She said, “I see my little sister with her back to the staircase … I don’t hesitate, I don’t wait, I just instantly think of Kate Moss and stairs and I swung at him.

Amber Heard Lawyer explained why Heard dug her own grave

Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp with Amber Heard

Heard’s lawyer Chris Melcher told that Heard “opened the door” for Depp’s team to bring “Kate on as a witness.” 

“Amber did not tell the jury what she meant by her reference to Kate,” Melcher says. “It appears Amber is claiming that Johnny pushed Kate down the stairs and that is why Amber reacted by punching Johnny on the stairs. There is a right to use force in the defense of another if there is a reasonable belief that force is needed, and a reasonable amount of force is used to overcome the threat.”

Melcher explained that witnesses’ of both the parties contradicted one another, “Amber’s story about why she hit Johnny has been contradicted by the security guard who witnessed the event and testified that Amber’s punch was unprovoked,” he adds. “Whitney testified that Johnny was a threat to her on the stairs, but Whitney allegedly told her former employer, Jennifer Howell, that Amber was the aggressor during the [incident.] Ms. Howell is also scheduled to testify.”

Moss will be asked about infamous 1994 hotel incident of her and Johnny Depp.

Though fans are sharing their opinions through social media, here’s a few of them:-










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