Blonde, the forthcoming Ana de Armas Netflix Marilyn Monroe film, will not be your typical biography. Director Andrew Dominik is alerting fans in the greatest manner possible after the picture was given an NC-17 rating (making history as Netflix’s first) and made news for its reported sexually explicit content.

Ana de Armas in Blonde
Ana de Armas in Blonde

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Blonde is a biopic about Marilyn Monroe based on Joyce Carol Oates’ novel of the same name. It’s more of a work of fiction than a biographical account of Monroe’s life. 

Ana de Armas is Going to Offend Everyone 

Dominik told Vulture that he was shocked Blonde got an NC-17 rating because he thought the filmmakers “colored inside the lines” when making it. Dominik, an Australian, believes that Americans have a “really strange” attitude toward sexuality in the entertainment industry

“I think if you’ve got a bunch of men and women in a boardroom talking about sexual behavior, maybe the men are going to be worried about what the women think. It’s just a weird time,” Dominik said. “It’s not like depictions of a happy sexuality. It’s depictions of situations that are ambiguous. And Americans are really strange when it comes to sexual behavior, don’t you think? I don’t know why. They make more porn than anyone else in the world.”

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Andrew Dominik
Andrew Dominik

When asked if the NC-17 rating was influenced by the fact that Marilyn Monroe is such a legendary character, Dominik replied he couldn’t say for sure what the rating board was thinking. However, Dominik stated that he did not intend to portray Monroe’s life in a “sanitized” manner.

“I think if I’m given the choice, I’d rather go and see the NC-17 version of the Marilyn Monroe story,” he said. “Because we know that her life was on the edge, clearly, from the way it ended. Do you want to see the warts-and-all version or do you want to see that sanitized version?”

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Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

Blonde, according to Dominik, “swims in very ambiguous waters,” and its release in 2022–years after the Me Too movement—might influence people’s perceptions of the picture. Dominik, on the other hand, feels that everyone who watches Blonde will be offended.

“If it had come out a few years ago, it would have come out right when Me Too hit and it would have been an expression of all that stuff. We’re in a time now, I think, where people are really uncertain about where any lines are. It’s a film that definitely has a morality about it. But it swims in very ambiguous waters because I don’t think it will be as cut-and-dried as people want to see it. There’s something in it to offend everyone.”

Blonde was originally set to premiere in 2020 before being pushed to 2022.

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