• Aubrey Plaza had a stroke at 20, which shocked everyone.
  • Hospital drama unfolded as doctors discovered the stroke.
  • The experience reshaped her view on life and priorities.

Aubrey Plaza isn’t just a queen of comedy (as we often think, considering her hilarious roles), but she’s also a survivor with an incredible story. Believe it or not, she had a stroke at just 20 years old!

The star opened up about this shocking experience on The Howard Stern Show, and it’s both intense and inspiring. Picture this: you’re hanging out with friends, chatting away, and suddenly, you can’t move or speak.

Aubrey Plaza in The White Lotus
Aubrey Plaza in The White Lotus (Credits: HBO)

That’s what happened to Plaza while she was a student at New York University. In a split second, her life changed forever. However, the good thing is that instead of letting this struggle bring her down, she turned it into motivation.

Aubrey Plaza’s Shocking Stroke at 20

Aubrey Plaza in Megalopolis
Aubrey Plaza in Megalopolis (Credits: Lionsgate Films)

Let’s go back to that day. Aubrey Plaza was ready for a fun lunch in Astoria. She walked into her friends’ apartment, probably excited for some good food and laughs. But wait—she hadn’t even taken her jacket off when everything changed.

In an instant, Plaza was paralyzed and couldn’t speak. “It happened mid-sentence,” she recalled. How scary is that? Her friends called for help, but the paramedics thought she was just dehydrated or on drugs. Can you believe it? As she explained in an interview with NPR

They thought I was on drugs because they kept asking me if I’d taken drugs, and I hadn’t. I hadn’t really put anything into my body that day except for birth control.

 It was a crazy misunderstanding that led to a serious situation.

When Did Aubrey Plaza Find Out About The Stroke?  

Aubrey Plaza
Aubrey Plaza (Credits: Instagram/@plazadeaubrey) 

When Plaza arrived at the hospital, things got real. One doctor asked her to put her right hand on her left knee, and she completely froze. Confused about right and left? That’s when the medical team realized she had actually suffered a stroke. Just like that, her life flipped from a casual lunch to a serious health crisis. 

It was a wake-up call and not the kind anyone wants. Facing such a serious issue at such a young age is shocking, but she didn’t let it crush her spirit. Instead, Aubs used that fear to fuel her recovery.

What Type of Stroke Did Aubrey Plaza Have?

Aubrey Plaza
Aubrey Plaza (Credits: Instagram/@plazadeaubrey) 

There are two main types: ischemic and hemorrhagic. The Mayo Clinic breaks it down like this: ischemic is when blood flow gets blocked, while hemorrhagic means there’s bleeding in the brain.

Plaza mentioned that she experienced some minor strokes later on called TIAs (transient ischemic attacks). Those are like mini-strokes that can really mess with your head. She opened up about how these episodes reminded her that health isn’t guaranteed.

The experience might have been scary, but it gave her a new perspective on life. Knowing that she faced such a serious health issue has changed how she views her world. The Ned Rifle star took this knowledge and ran with it—literally!

Aubrey Plaza’s Life After the Stroke

Aubrey Plaza
Aubrey Plaza (Credits: Instagram/@plazadeaubrey) 

Let’s talk about how this experience changed the amazing Plaza we know today. She went through cognitive therapy to regain her speaking and writing skills, and guess what? It worked! But the impact went way beyond just her speech.

The Hollywood beauty shared that this experience opened her eyes to life’s preciousness. “I try not to take things so seriously and try not to get hung up on the small things,” she said. That’s a perfect recipe for a stress-free life. With the realization that life can be short, Plaza focuses on making the most of every day.

It’s like she’s out here living her best life, doing what she loves, and not stressing over the little things. This fresh perspective has her staying busy, but honestly, that’s just how she rolls now.

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