Avengers: Endgame is on its way in April but keeping that aside, the Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer came in this week.

It provoked an entirely different yield of theories about the film’s place in the MCU timeline.

Now a theory proposes that the film happens in a reset universe – one in which Peter Parker never got off the bus in Infinity War.

What’s the theory?

  • The theory takes a bit of its premise from remarks by Kevin Feige, who recently said that Far From Home begins minutes after Avengers: Endgame.
  • Knowing that towards the end of Infinity War, Peter was a long way from home on Titan.
  • He was also turned to dust, thanks to Thanos’ snap, this new info shows a few outcomes. One is that the snap is just fixed.
  • However, another is that reality itself is reset to a place where Thanos’ assault never occurs. The latter is the core of this theory.
  • The theory recommends that the way that Peter is found in the Stark Spider-Man suit in the trailer implies that Thanos’ snap never occurred.
  • This implies that Peter’s field trip to the Museum of Modern Art was never disturbed.
  • Peter never got off the bus in light of a Q ship showing up in the sky, and never got the Iron Spider suit. It appears as a basic clarification and it’s not one that is without any legitimacy.


Marvel Studios

So Where’s The Catch

  • Depending on how the heroes reverse Thanos’ snap, it wouldn’t be that difficult to just change the manner in which things worked out. Thanos never comes to Earth; Peter remains on the transport.
  • The theory takes it one stride further. In Infinity War, Thanos tells Tony, “I hope they recall you.” It seemed like Thanos was referring to those left behind after the snap.
  • Like, Tony is stranded on Titan – but the theory proposes that perhaps it’s Tony’s sacrifice that encourages this reality reset. It’s a thought that ties pleasantly into some other theories that Tony dies as a part of Endgame.


If the theory is right and Endgame resets the timeline, it would tidy it up, arranging things according to Homecoming so that the only film affected by the snap would be Infinity War.

This is something that the Far From Home trailer recommends with Aunt May knowing Peter is Spider-Man.

It’s an event that occurs toward the end of Homecoming, however, May is seen working with that learning in the Far From Home trailer.

This would put Far From Home before Infinity War – since in a reset timetable, Infinity War never occurs.

Obviously, it’s constantly conceivable that Far From Home basically happens in a different universe, one made by Thanos’ staggering snap.

What do you think? Will Endgame reset reality and keep Peter on the transport? Tell us your take in the remarks underneath.

Avengers: Infinity War is currently accessible on home video. Forthcoming MCU films incorporate Captain Marvel on March 8, 2019, Avengers: Endgame on April 26, 2019, and Spider-Man: Far From Home on July 5, 2019.

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