• Kamala Harris' past relationships re-surface online ahead of the 2024 presidential elections.
  • The attorney was subject of attention with her relationship with Montel Williams back in the 90s.
  • Harris receives immense support from Douglas Emhoff and family members.

Kamala Harris is a well-known politician and attorney who has been serving as the vice president of the United States since 2021 alongside President Joe Biden. Harris is not only the first female vice president but also the first African-American and Asian American vice president. This makes her the highest-ranking female official in the history of the U.S. Kamala Harris is currently the nominee for president in the 2024 election from the Democratic Party, against Donald Trump.

Kamala Harris
Kamala Harris | Credits: CNN

Current president Joe Biden was not the only one who endorsed Harris for the 2024 election but also by Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and more. If elected, she’d be the first female and first Asian-American President of the United States, along with being the second African-American President after Barack Obama. The public is always interested in knowing more about their potential president, and Harris is no different, as people dig deep into her past, which includes her personal life.

Kamala Harris’ re-surfaced past relationships do not hurt her 2024 Presidential Campaign

As a public figure, Kamala Harris’ personal life is not only a subject of mere gossip for the public but also a reflection of how women in politics are evolving and societal changes. Harris is a strong-willed and focused individual, and her personal life goes on to showcase how her relationships have intersected with her career and how those experiences have helped her to be the woman she is today. And these past relationships do not hurt her campaign for the upcoming election against Donald Trump.

1. Willie Brown

Kamala Harris back in 1994 was linked to California politician Willie Brown. According to Statesman, Willie Brown was at the time statehouse speaker and had separated from his wife Blanche Brown in 1982; however, they were legally married. Harris and Brown’s relationship drew attention due to the age gap, but the media at the time used their relationship to state that she had an affair with a married man.

Where it’s true that he was still legally married to his wife, but it’s also true that they had been separated for a while when Brown and Harris started to go out. In an interview in 2003, Harris shared with SF Weekly (via Vox),

Kamala Harris dated Willie Brown
Willie Brown | Credits: ABC Interview

Whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work. I refused to design my campaign around criticizing Willie Brown for the sake of appearing to be independent when I have no doubt that I am independent of him—and that he would probably right now express some fright about the fact that he cannot control me.

Back in 2019, Willie Brown published an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle with a headline that read, ‘Sure, I dated Kamala Harris. So What?’ He added that he has been peppered with calls from the national media about his relationship with Harris since it became obvious that she’s going to run for president. He wrote in the op-ed that they did date, but it was more than 20 years ago. The two of them timely ended their relationship in 1995

2. Montel Williams

Kamala Harris’ relationship with television talk show host Montel Williams resurfaced online after a right-winged social media influencer dug deep to find out their archival pictures of attending an event decades ago decided to share on X in 2019. The opponents focused on Harris’ dating history rather than her work to attack the vice president in 2019 when at the time Senator ran for president during the 2020 election. She eventually withdrew from the 2020 presidential race.

Montel Williams took to his social media in 2019 to write,

Kamala Harris and I briefly dated about 20 years ago when we were both single. So what? I have great respect for Sen. Harris. I have to wonder if the same stories about her dating history would have been written if she were a male candidate.

Kamala Harris was linked to Montel Williams
Montel Williams | Credits: National Veterans Memorial and Museums’ YouTube

In 2020, when various news outlets predicted that Joe Biden would probably win the presidential elections alongside running partner Kamala Harris, the attention was once again brought back to her relationship with Williams. And now, with Biden stepping down from his candidacy and endorsing Harris, the subject of attention was yet again her relationship. Williams wrote on social media,

I’ve said what I’m going to say about the thing that keeps trending. My friends in the media should think twice about wasting time on a 20+ year-old picture—you will find doing so will earn an unpleasant reaction.

Taking advantage of his newfound level of attention, the former talk show host appeared on CNN (via Marie Claire) and went ahead to praise Kamala Harris and shared that she’s focused on trying to make America understand that what unites them is far greater than what divides them.

Kamala Harris’ support system Douglas Emhoff

Kamala Harris and Douglas Emhoff have been busy campaigning for Harris’ run for president since President Joe Biden stepped down from the candidacy. Harris and Emhoff met in 2013 as a courtesy of a common friend, and the two of them got married in 2014.

Emhoff, who was previously married to Kerstin Emhoff shares two children, Cole and Ella. After Harris married Emhoff, the kids, and Harris decided that they didn’t want to call her stepmother, so they agreed to use the word “Momala.” In 2021, when Harris was sworn in as vice president, Emhoff became the second gentleman.

Kamala Harris and Douglas Emhoff
Kamala Harris and Douglas Emhoff | Credits: CBS Sunday Morning Interview

After he became the first-second gentleman, Emhoff acknowledged the position he holds and tweeted at the time that he was honored to be the first male spouse of an American President or Vice President. He added that he’ll always remember generations of women who served in the role before him, often without much acknowledgment. He noted that it’s their legacy of progress that he will build on as Second Gentleman.

At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Emhoff shared in a speech (via Today News),

Kamala Harris was exactly the right person for me at an important moment in my life. And at this moment in our nation’s history, she is exactly the right president.

Kamala Harris seems like a strong candidate for the President of the United States.

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