Best Movie Villains Of All Time, Ranked According To Ranker
When we watch a movie, the character that resonates the most is the villain. That’s because they reflect the demons of society, something that we probably see every day but choose to ignore. Over the years, Hollywood has seen many movies and franchises that have a villain so strong (in terms of power and charisma) that they overshadow the hero. Of course, the question is, who is the best movie villain? Well, we might have the answer according to Ranker. The fans have spoken, check it out!
10. Loki (MCU)

Easily one of the most popular villains of all time is Loki Odinson of the MCU played by Tom Hiddleston. Appearing in a dozen of MCU films and his Disney+ series Loki, the villain has somewhat trodden on the path of becoming a hero. However, the evilness never leaves the character’s side. Anyone who thinks he is weak is always wronged.
9. Pennywise (It)

First appearing in 1990, the clown reappeared in 2017’s It. Not only the movie was a success, but the villain also got a lot of fame in itself. While the name has that it’s a dancing clown, he’s a shapeshifting monster that sustains itself by preying on human fears. It is not been surprising that the character is in the top ten because it does give you the chills.
8. Sauron (The Lord of the Rings)

First appearing in 2001, he’s the creator of the One Ring and was roughly defeated 2500 years. However, the dormant power remained within the Oen Ring until he could return to the physical form.
7. Darth Sidious (Star Wars Saga)

Emperor Palpatine first appeared in 1980 and has caused the Clone Wars. He enacts Order 66 and brings Anakin Skywalker to the dark side of the force. This, in turn, makes him the main protagonist of the entire Star Wars saga. Sidious is cunning and speaks of brutality and destruction.
6. Scar (The Lion King)

One of the most legendary movie villains is Scar, who was responsible for Mufasa’s tragic death. First appearing in 1994, Scar added the perfect percentage of evilness into a cheesy film. The next in line to become a king, he planned to kill his brother’s newborn and killed his brother in turn.
5. Bane (DCEU)

Tom Hardy gave a performance so impeccable that it still remains unparalleled. Of course, who can forget the beating he gave to Batman.
4. Thanos (MCU)

The Mad Titan has haunted the MCU heroes for almost a decade ultimately meeting his end in Avengers: Endgame. Played by Josh Brolin, the character has grown undeniably too famous.
3. Hannibal Lecter (Silence of the Lambs)

This former psychiatrist is in prison for committing a series of cannibal acts. The character is most famous for its portrayal by Anthony Hopkins in the 1991 film.
2. Joker (DCEU)

Late actor Heath Ledger made the character inevitable. The villain is hungry for chaos and destruction and would go to any lengths to achieve the same. You think of Joker and you utter his most famous dialogue, “You want to know how I got these scars?”
1. Darth Vader (Star Wars Saga)

I do not even talk about the character, you already know the fame of the said character. The overall flair and the famous raspy famous has made the villain so famous that it tops the list. Who is your favourite movie villain? Let us know in the comments below!