Marvel Comics is a place to be. When it comes to the MCU, it’s a limited place to be but still feels limitless. However, there are so many things that the MCU cannot just take from the comics and put on the big screen, right? One such element from the comics is the villains. There are some really hardcore villains in Marvel Comics that we might never see on the screen and some we already have. Let’s have a look at the list.

1. Molecule Man

Best villains from Marvel Comics
Best villains from Marvel Comics

At first sight, Molecule Man might seem neutral and not threatening. With a look like that, you might think how did he even make the list when we have villains like Doctor Doom and Thanos? Well, Molecule Man is a ridiculous villain. He can manipulate matter and literally do anything he wishes to. He can turn the Avengers into dust and won’t even need the Infinity Stones for it.

2. Ultron

Best villains from Marvel Comics
Best villains from Marvel Comics

One of the fan-favourite villains, both in comics and MCU is Ultron. In the comics, it was Hank Pym who created Ultron using his own mind as a blueprint. As a result, he has a superior intellect and a body made of adamantium. He has upgraded himself a couple of times and is notoriously hard to kill. He easily makes for one of the best comic and MCU villains.

3. Doctor Doom

Best villains from Marvel Comics
Best villains from Marvel Comics

Doctor Doom is not your average supervillain. He has deep roots in the comics and is waiting to be adapted well for the big screen. After he combined his mother’s mysticism with magic, he won a ticket to America. But after an experiment went horribly wrong and left his face scarred, he blamed his colleague, Reed Richard (Fantastic Four). He went back and took over his home country of Latveria and has taken on many Marvel characters with little to no problem.

4. Magus

Best villains from Marvel Comics
Best villains from Marvel Comics

As we know, Adam Warlock is coming to the MCU in GOTG Vol. 3 and is a result of an experiment to make the most perfect and highly-evolved human in existence. After being created, it wasn’t long that he encountered Magus who was a leader whose evil rule was spread out to thousands of enslaved worlds. However, Magus revealed that he was once Adam Warlock before turning evil. It cost Adam his Soul Gem, and with some teamwork, he was able to defeat Magus.

5. The Beyonder

Best villains from Marvel Comics
Best villains from Marvel Comics

The Beyonder was first introduced as the main antagonist of Marvel’s Secret Wars and it was revealed that he was not a mutant or an alien. Instead, he was an entire universal realm compressed into a human form and was the true definition of the biggest threat. Speaking of his powers, he can banish demons, destroy, resurrect, and reshape things as well. Once, he put all the superheroes and villains together in a tournament for his entertainment. Moreover, this was the first time he used his powers. Who is your favourite villain?

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