Spider-Man: No Way Home is the formula for a great film. What really satisfies us is the fact that Holland’s Peter Parker is no longer under Iron Man’s shade and has gained his individuality. But he definitely had help, such as Doctor Strange. Speaking of whom, the movie has a second post-credit scene which is basically a teaser for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Well, let’s check out some of the biggest reveals, let’s go!

1. What If…? Doctor Strange Is Here

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home

The biggest reveal is that Doctor Strange encounters another version of himself who is wearing a darker costume. This version really resembles the one we saw in What If…? who is first, not on the good side, and second, really powerful. If this is indeed the Strange we think, then we are in for some really great cinema.

2. Gargantos

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home

To many, the monster with tentacles looked like Shuma-Gorath and the public was confirmed at large. But that doesn’t seem to be it. While Shuma-Gorath could be a great villain, the monster appears to be Gargantos, which was previously confirmed by a leaked LEGO set.

3. Doctor Strange & Scarlet Witch

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home

First of all, Wanda is not the villain according to the trailer. Strange approaches her to know more about the multiverse and it looks like she offers to help. Second, considering that Strange isn’t concerned about Westview tells us that he is in a frenzy and desperately looking for answers.

4. America Chavez

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home

America Chavez was actively present in the trailer, even though she wasn’t in the spotlight. This tells us that she will join Doctor Strange sooner than expected will have a run for the entire movie. It will be interesting to see her powers.

5. The Return of Mordo

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home

As seen in Doctor Strange, Mordo leaves the scene when he learns that the Ancient One takes strength from the Dark Dimension. His whereabouts were never mentioned until the trailer. And yes, he looks pissed. But he has had an upgrade as he is donning a new costume. But his arc will not be more than a sub-plot, or so it seems.

6. The Universe Is Tearing Apart

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home
Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness trailer in No Way Home

In the trailer, Doctor Strange opens the door of Sanctum only to see the Universe literally disintegrating as a tall building tilting over its side. It seems similar to what we saw in What If…? which further tells us that the evil Doctor Strange could indeed be from the Disney+ series. And if that is the case, then are we going to see the Guardians of the Universe in the MCU as well? If you watch Spider-Man: No Way Home, don’t forget to watch the second post-credit scene.

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