The sequel to the anime Blue Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Saga has been announced. The sequel, titled Blue Exorcist: Yuki no Hate-hen (Beyond the Snow Sage), is scheduled for an October 2024 window. Aniplex has also released the teaser visual and teaser announcement which has been linked below.

Blue Exorcist: Rin and Yukio
Blue Exorcist: Rin and Yukio (Credits: Studio VOLN)

Blue Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati Saga just reached its final episode on March 23rd. Immediately after the end of the broadcast, the decision to produce a sequel was announced. However, this announcement came as a surprise to the fans since they were not expecting such a response so soon.

Blue Exorcist Fans Take To X To Express Their Excitement

Blue Exorcist
Blue Exorcist Season 3 (Credits: Studio VOLN)

While unexpected, and out of the blue, this didn’t stop the fans of Blue Exorcist from storming X (formerly Twitter) to express their excitement over the announcement made on 26th May 2024. The comments have been mixed following the reveal, with some X users disapproving of the animation studio.

However, the general consensus asserts that the fandom is excited about the new season and approves of the poster and teaser. Unfortunately, the teaser did not reveal an exact date for the eagerly anticipated sequel. The visual has already piqued the viewers’ interest.

TVアニメ『青の祓魔師 雪ノ果篇』ティザーPV|2024年10月放送

The teaser illustration shows Rin Okumura on the right side, wielding his Koma sword, while his brother, Yukio Okumura, is on the left, holding a gun. The Exwire leader appears to be injured in the visual with a bandaged left arm.

What Is Blue Exorcist About?

Blue Exorcist: Rin Okumura
Blue Exorcist: Rin Okumura (Credits: Studio VOLN)

Based on Kazue Kato’s supernatural manga, MangaPLUS presents Blue Exorcist in this way:

Raised by Father Fujimoto, a famous exorcist, Rin Okumura never knew his real father. One day a fateful argument with Father Fujimoto forces Rin to face a terrible truth–the blood of the demon lord Satan runs in Rin’s veins!

Rin swears to defeat Satan, but doing that means entering the mysterious True Cross Academy and becoming an exorcist himself. Can Rin fight demons and keep his infernal bloodline a secret? It won’t be easy, especially when drawing his father’s sword releases the demonic power within him!

The recently concluded season of Blue Exorcist saw Daisuke Yoshida at the helm at Studio VOLN. Toshiya Ono supervised the scripts for the anime, while Yurie Ôhigashi was the character designer and the chief animation director. Kohta Yamamoto and Hiroyuki Sawano worked as the composers for the series.

You can watch Blue Exorcist on Crunchyroll.

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