Endgames’ cast, crew and not to exclude, its Fans, are celebrating its Anniversary. A lot of new stuff is coming into the light, varying from never seen concept arts to unique footages.

Lately, a video posted by Russo brothers features the first day for Brie Larson as Captain Marvel. The video’s a heartwarming moment for fans as we can see Sacrjo as Black Widow in it.

One year for Endgame

Brie Larson with Avengers co-stars

End Game pioneered the Marvel cinematic universe to inaccessible heights. The movie, on the one hand, is an emotional goodbye for some heroes and, on the other, helped weave some new characters into the superpowered ensemble.

One of such is Carol Danvers, well known as Captain Marvel,  portrayed by Brie Larson.

A peek into behind-the-scenes.

Recently, as a part of the Endgame’s Quarantine watch party, Russo brothers have shared a quick behind-the-scenes clip of Brie Larson meeting her co-actors on the sets of Endgame.

The video showcases Larson hugging Black Widow star Scarlett Johansson inside Quinjet. We can also see Chris Evans as Captain America in the video. We can guess that it was the scene when Avengers travels to space in search of Thanos.

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Russo brothers mentioned that it was the first day for Brie Larson as Carol Danvers. Larson started filming for Endgame first even though her Captain Marvel released first. She managed to get short but intense screen time in Endgame after her character’s tease in the Infinity war.

Larson and Captain Marvel

Brie Larson reportedly had few meetings with Marvel before she made it to her role as Captain Marvel.

Captain Marvel Brie Larson

“When we found out that Brie Larson might be interested in joining our world, we had several meetings,” said Kevin Feige in his interview last year. Moreover, he added that Larson’s a huge fan of her character in comics.

Her Marvel collaboration project, Captain Marvel 2, is coming up in 2022. So it’s just the beginning of her era.

Sources: ComicBook, ScreenRant

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