Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) our first Avenger, the mightiest one, made his mark in the MCU with his performance as Captain America. Yes, he got his strength and powers from the super-soldier serum. But we cannot deny the fact that he madly wanted to protect his country and its people! So, he was the perfect choice for the experiment. And, thankfully it worked which gave us our hero, Captain America. The trilogy focuses on Cap America’s life events, his involvement with the Avengers, him saving his best friend Bucky, and much more! It’s one hell of a roller coaster ride for him. Between all of this, there are a few foreshadowing details fans noticed. Check it out! To notice a foreshadowing detail, one needs to re-watch plenty of times. And when it comes to MCU movies, which are continuing in nature, one needs to re-watch a lot.

1. Cap And Peggy’s Dance

Captain America and Peggy's Dance
Captain America and Peggy’s Dance

In the first Captain America movie, while crash landing his plane, Cap America asks Peggy to have the band play a slow song or else he’ll step on her toe as he’s a bad dancer. In Endgame, that’s what he does while they dance!

2. Scott Lang And His Beats

Scott Lang tapping a beat
Scott Lang tapping a beat

In Civil War, we can see Scott Lang tapping a beat while he was in the prison. That’s what he did to pass time in Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018) while was under house arrest.

3. Going For Cap’s Legs

If you want to trap Captain America, go for his legs
If you want to trap Captain America, go for his legs

In Civil War, Peter Parker reveals that Tony Stark suggested he goes for Cap’s legs. And, in the film’s climax, that’s the first thing Iron Man does.

4. A HYDRA Agent Won’t Use Knives To Attack. Really?

HYDRA agent using a knife to attack / Captain America: The First Avenger
HYDRA agent using a knife to attack / Captain America: The First Avenger

In The First Avenger, Howard Stark taunts that a HYDRA Agent won’t use a knife to attack. But towards the end, that’s exactly what happens.

5. Significance Of Orange Slices

Scott a.k.a Ant-Man asking for orange slices in Captain America: Civil War
Scott a.k.a Ant-Man asking for orange slices in Captain America: Civil War

Remember Scott gave a hard time to Iron Man’s team in the face-off when he converted into a giAnt-Man? But when he returned to his normal size, he asked for orange slices. Now, fast forward to Endgame, when Clint returns from time travel, Scott keeps orange slices ready for him. Because he knows how it feels and what can cure that feeling!

6. Dr. Zola’s Fate Was Revealed In First Avenger Movie

Dr. Zola in The First Avenger (2011)
Dr. Zola in The First Avenger (2011)

Remember Dr. Zola’s first appearance in the First Avenger? That is what happened to him in The Winter Soldier when his brain was mapped and artificial intelligence was created out of it.

7. Bucky Losing His Arm Making Him ‘Left Arm Free’

Bucky loses his left arm in Civil War
Bucky loses his left arm in Civil War

In the movie Civil War, the song “Left Hand Free” by Alt-J is played when they introduce Spider-Man/Peter Parker. Well, they had a purpose behind it. That is, in the end, Bucky loses his left arm while fighting with Iron Man.

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