In a journey that began two decades ago, Cillian Murphy made his way to Los Angeles for an audition, hoping to secure the iconic role of Bruce Wayne in Christopher Nolan’s 2005 superhero film Batman Begins. However, Nolan had a different vision in mind and ultimately entrusted Christian Bale with the role of the Caped Crusader. Nevertheless, Murphy’s talent didn’t go unnoticed, and he was chosen to portray the enigmatic and menacing villain, Dr. Jonathan Crane, famously known as the Scarecrow. This fateful decision marked the inception of a remarkable and prosperous actor-filmmaker partnership that has stood the test of time in the realm of modern cinema.

Cillian Murphy
Cillian Murphy

During an interview, the interviewer posed a hypothetical scenario to Christopher Nolan, asking him what advice he would give to a director if they were making a biopic about him. In response, Nolan succinctly stated, “Cast Cillian Murphy.” Nolan’s brief yet emphatic reply indicates his immense admiration and trust in Cillian Murphy’s acting abilities. It suggests that if a biopic were to be made about Nolan’s life, he believes that Murphy would be the ideal choice to portray him on screen. This response not only reflects the director’s appreciation for Murphy’s talent but also highlights their longstanding professional relationship.

How Christopher Nolan Cast His Oppenheimer Star?

Christopher Nolan
Christopher Nolan

Cillian Murphy and Christopher Nolan have established a strong collaboration over the years. He first portrayed the chilling Scarecrow in The Dark Knight trilogy, showcasing his versatility as an actor. Murphy also appeared as a soldier in Nolan’s war epic Dunkirk and portrayed the complex character of Robert Fischer in the mind-bending thriller Inception. However, their upcoming project, Oppenheimer, marks a significant milestone for Murphy. It will be the first time he takes on a leading role in a film directed by Nolan.

Also Read: “I’d love to do it”: Oppenheimer Star Cillian Murphy Seemingly Confirms 28 Years Later Despite Refusing to Appear in Prequel Movie With Jeremy Renner

Upon receiving a call from Christopher Nolan about his new film, Oppenheimer, Cillian Murphy was left in awe and disbelief. While Murphy had been a consistent presence in Nolan’s films for nearly two decades, he had always played supporting roles. However, this time, Nolan surprised him by offering the lead role. Murphy described the conversation, stating, “He’s so understated and self-deprecating and, in his very English manner, just said, ‘Listen, I’ve written this script, it’s about Oppenheimer. I’d like you to be my Oppenheimer.'” Reflecting on the moment, Murphy expressed, “It was a great day.”

Also Read: Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer Faces Severe Blow as Actors Walk Out of London Premiere Ahead of Global Release

Cillian Murphy Is The Perfect Oppenheimer


Cillian Murphy takes on the formidable role of J. Robert Oppenheimer in Christopher Nolan’s film Oppenheimer, which explores the compelling narrative of the theoretical physicist’s involvement in the development of the world’s first nuclear bombs, infamously dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Murphy, known for his versatile performances, expressed his admiration for the film and his director, emphasizing that it featured the finest script he had ever encountered. He further praised Nolan’s distinctive approach to portraying the character and the guidance provided to him, highlighting the unique creative journey that awaits audiences.

“He wanted it to be solely from Oppenheimer’s perspective. And I think the film is sensational. As a person who loves films — I’m not saying it ’cos I’m in the f*****g thing, I hate looking at myself —  but as a lover of film, as a cinephile, I’m a Chris Nolan fan,”

Cillian Murphy said.

The much-awaited Oppenheimer is set to release on 21 July 2023.

Also Read: Matt Damon Reveals His Secret Christopher Nolan Deal That Stopped Him from Taking His Acting Break

Source:  Twitter

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