The famous graphic designer of Dutch Ard Gelinck makes time travel possible. At least, he can do it for celebrities. Ard focuses on photoshopping famous people as if they’re hanging out with their own younger selves. The result of images is so cool that you can not help but think if some of his pictures have them framed.

 Gelinck is working on these photomontages for about ten years now, but it doesn’t look like he is running out of ideas. On the contrary, this fantastic graphic designer continues to delight his vast 258K Instagram followers with frequent uploads.

  • Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher
  • Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe
Daniel Radcliffe
  • Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth

The designer said that he always tries to challenge himself to do better than before when it comes to Photoshop. “The ‘Then and Now’ series is now quite old. When you consider the fact that my brother and I made the very first image for it about ten years ago.” Gelinck told Bored Panda. That about almost five years ago, he edited pictures for a lot of Dutch celebrities.  Which turned out to be a huge success. So after that, he then started working with foreign celebrity pictures. The first one was Madonna, and she also posted his image on her own Instagram account.”

 The Queen of Pop Madonna, however, is not the only Gelinck subject who has publicly admired and appreciated his work. Tina Turner, BeeGees, Jason Priestly, Lionel Richie, Keshia Knight Pulliam, Rob Lowe, Sylvester Stallone, Annie Lennox, Robbie Williams, Michael Douglas, Ricky Gervais, Carice van Houten, and many more celebrities have also given him a shoutout. Gelinck says that when he thinks about it, the list is quite impressive.

  • Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston
Jennifer Aniston
  • Will Smith
Will Smith
Will Smith
  • Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis
Jamie Lee Curtis
  • Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry
Matthew Perry

When this Photoshop wizard composes celebrities’ pictures, he is often trying to make the subject and their former self,  embrace each other. Whether it is an arm on the shoulder on a hug, he does it with his every image. Gelink says that the actual pose mainly depends on a lot of things. All he does is trying to find one where they’re standing next to each other.

  • Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt

The graphic designer believes that his project has become famous because people enjoy taking trips down their memory lane. Each of Gelinck’s picture is like a sip of nostalgia. It brings back all the past moments of enjoying music chart hits, TV shows, and movies.

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