2020 has been a dreadful year for all of us. From a significant pandemic hitting the world, forest fire, massive flood, to death of great celebrities, we’ve seen much this year and cannot cope up with it anymore. In August-end, we lost yet another star of Hollywood who was indeed a strong superhero both on and off-screen.

Chadwick Boseman, famous for his record-breaking role of King T’Challa in the Marvel Movie “Black Panther,” passed away this year on the 29th of August, and the world wasn’t ready for this.

Black Panther famed Chadwick Boseman Loses His Battle to Colon Cancer

Chadwick Boseman passed away at 43
Black Panther famed Chadwick Boseman passed away at the age 43 after battling Colon Cancer

          He was a brave superhero as with the news of his death; the world came to know about his years-long battle against colon cancer. He was battling the deadly disease and juggling between his chemotherapy sessions, treatment, and shoots like a real superhero. The 43-year-old actor struggled with countless surgeries and still managed to cope with his work schedules like a real fighter.

Chadwick Boseman was a Real Life fighter

News of his death confirmed by Boseman's family
News of his death confirmed by Chadwick’s family on his twitter handle

The news of his death left everybody shaken in distress. His family, friends, and fans from all over the world mourned his loss. It left a deep void in everybody’s heart, especially Chadwick’s co-star in Marshall- Josh Gad. Josh had worked with Boseman very closely in the movie Marshall in 2017 and shared a beautiful bond.

On his death, Josh shared a beautiful video on his Twitter account, where he talked about his dear friend’s legacy. It wasn’t enough to pay tribute to Boseman; Josh also shared the most beautiful text messages on Twitter that Chadwick sent to him. Josh mentioned on his Twitter, “Breaking my Twitter silence to share some beauty.” He added in his tweet that tonight the heavens received one of its most powerful angels.

Josh Gad breaks his silence on Twitter
Josh Gad breaks his silence on Twitter


Josh share beautiful messages recieved from Chadwick
Josh share beautiful messages received from Chadwick after his demise to know the world what an angel heaven has received after his death

There were uncountable tweets and tributes given to Chadwick Boseman by his co-actors, friends, and fans throughout the internet. One of his fans also requested Marvel to retire his “Black Panther” character out of respect, as they are not willing to see anybody else take the name. They want him to have him live as a legend within the world. There were many more heart-touching tributes shared on the internet right after the demise of this excellent star.      

Josh Gad with Chadwick Boseman at a promotional event
Josh Gad with his dear friend Chadwick at a promotional event

Chadwick Boseman will always remain in our hearts, especially as our King T’challa. The world has lost one of its finest King, and we hope that he will “Rest in Power.”

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