When Cobra Kai, Netflix’s mega-popular martial arts comedy, returns for a fourth season on December 31, 2021, it will have been over a year since fans last saw Daniel, Johnny, Sam, Robby, Hawk Kreese, and the rest of the karate warriors. With such a lengthy gap between seasons, it’s easy to forget about the major narrative elements and story arcs that occurred.

Why not explain a few loose narrative strands, emerging friendships and rivalries, and other noteworthy Cobra Kai plotlines that loom ahead of the new year to better prepare fans for the forthcoming season and what may come?

5. Johnny & Daniel Team Up Together

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As a partial retaliation for Robbie’s treachery, Johnny and Daniel put their old feuds aside and created their own karate-instructing partnership. Remember how Johnny taught Miguel (Xolo Meriduena) and Daniel teaches Sam (Mary Mouser), and how they now all work together to oppose Cobra Kai?

It’s easy to overlook this development because Daniel and Johnny have been bitter high school rivals for decades, with seasons 1 and 2 cementing their competitive streak. It will be interesting to watch how Season 4 unfolds now that Johnny and Daniel are working together.

4. Hawk Returns

Hawk’s (Jacob Bertrand) surprising flip in the alliance back to his boyhood buddy, Dimitri (Gianni DeCenzo), who had been harassing since joining Cobra Kai, was one of the more encouraging characters arcs in Cobra Kai season 3. Hawk’s change of heart occurred during the massive house battle in the finale, during which he beat up a number of people and apologized to Dimitri for being a jerk.

3. Sam & Miguel Go For It

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Now that Sam and Robby have broken up, it’s important to remember how well Sam and Miguel got along at the conclusion of Season 3. Remember, Miguel spent much of the season in a coma due to the neck injury he sustained in the school brawl and was frequently confined to the bed where Johnny, not Sam, would frequently visit.

Miguel’s brief dalliance with the dark side of mean-spirited violence caused him to be at odds with Sam for a long time, allowing Robby and Sam to grow closer. Now that Sam and Miguel have resumed their romance as one of Cobra’s greatest couples, Before season 4, Kai, Kreese, Robby, and Silver had been firmly defined as antagonists.

2. Another All-Valley Tournament

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Season 3 included a major subplot involving the probable cancellation of the All-Valley Tournament and political infighting due to the school violence. The municipal council revoked Reseda’s authorization to organize the event, sparking a massive legal struggle that jeopardized the karate students’ livelihood.

Fortunately, Sam and Miguel made such a strong argument for the true necessity for karate as an avenue of expression that the All-Valley Karate Tournament was resurrected at the end of the season.

  1. Mikey Barnes is Back!
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When it comes to the All-Valley Karate Tournament and Terry Silver’s comeback, viewers should recall who Terry’s most brilliant pupil was in The Karate Kid Part III. That’s correct, Mike Barnes (Sean Kanan) appears to be set to appear on Cobra Kai 4.

While Sean Kanan is not featured on the IMDb website for Cobra Kai, he has publicly said that he would appear in season 4. (per heavy.com). This announcement occurred far after the conclusion of Season 3, so it’s completely conceivable that fans missed the news in the first place or forgot about it in the intervening seven months. In any case, it’s worth recalling that Barnes might play an important part in the future of Cobra Kai.

Moving ahead, it’s vital to note that Hawk appears to be returning to Miyagi-Do rather than returning to Cobra Kai and furthering Kreese’s malevolent objective. The real question is whether Hawk will remain faithful.