I’m not a leading man. I’m a character actor. That’s what I want to be. – Dave Bautista

It’s safe to say that essentially every comic book character in presence has been given the fan projecting treatment at some point, correct? Thinking of dream casting situations for future characters and films has become a particular interest for comic book fans, attempting to sort out the well-known ideal entertainer for a given saint or scoundrel. Since blasting into the spotlight after the arrival of the Galaxy’s Guardians, Superstar-turned-actor Dave Bautista has been the subject of many of these fan castings. However, he’s taking somewhat of an issue with some of them.


On Wednesday, a fan on Twitter proposed the possibility that Bautista should play the personality of Kilowog, a Green Lantern from the pages of the DC comics. That fan even put an image of Bautista close to a picture of Kilowog to show how right on target the projecting could be. This made Bautista react, asking why he’s continually being given a role as the big ugly brutes in these fan situations.

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“Alright, I know I’m not the most attractive person on the planet, but rather why at whatever point I’m fantastic as a character, it’s consistently one that is, umm… aesthetically challenged,” Bautista kidded on the tweet. “This is most likely why I can’t get that romantic comedy lead!” Bautista’s message here is clearly all in great fun, as you can see by the entirety of the crying laughing emoticons. He raises a valid statement: For what reason does he generally need to be the “aesthetically challenged” character? Bautista’s message here is clearly all in great fun, as you can see by the entirety of the crying laughing emojis. He raises a valid statement: For what reason does he generally need to be the “aesthetically challenged” character? What makes this genuinely entertaining, however, is that Bautista would really make an incredible Kilowog. He has the body already, so the character wouldn’t need to be PC produced, and he has the demeanor and voice down. He would simply require a ton of cosmetics and prosthetics all over. Of course, it is the ideal opportunity for Bautista to get that romantic comedy lead. Do you figure it will help if we start fan casting him a role as the next Superman instead?

Source: comicbook


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