DC Superhero Couples That Redefine Romance, Make Marvel Look Like Twilight on Steroids
When it comes to epic romances the universe of comics has played an exceptional role. Over the period of years, DC superheroes have consistently been shown through their romantic angles that are as powerful as their superhuman abilities. Here is the list of seven DC super couples whose love stories have redefined romance, making all the other Marvel’s romantic narratives look nothing but Twilight on steroids.
1. Hawkman & Hawkwoman

The one at the top of this list is the DC’s most romantic couple Hawkman and Hawkwoman. Even though this power couple has been overlooked for years they still stand as the super couple of the DC universe. This love story of Hawkman and Hawkwoman has been created in different versions but this power couple always finds a way back to each other. Although, regardless of the version that this couple is in, they hold the banners to keep love in DC alive.
2. Wally West & Linda Park
The next couple in line is Wally West and Linda Park. Their enemy-to-lover story has created a standard for romance in DC. Even though the couple started off on a bad note, when they learn more about each other, they can’t help but fall in love.
3. Nightwing & Batgirl

Even though Batman is considered the most romantic hero of the Bat-family, let’s not leave out Nightwing. The more than platonic relationship between Nightwing and Batgirl cannot be forgotten. The romantic dialogue between this power couple has always made the DC fans go in awe.
4. Superman and Lois Lane

It is hard to outdo the most iconic DC couple none other than Superman and Lois. The exciting superhero love story between these two has developed a blueprint for what every comic fan might look for in a relationship. Even though multiple storylines have separated the couple and also as they broke up a lot over time, they still find their way back in the end.
5. Black Canary & Green Arrow

The only romance story of DC which was worth the wait was Black Canary and Green Arrow. A whirlwind of romance between the couple started in the Silver Age of comics. Starting from the time when Green Arrow expressed his feeling for Black Canary till the time when divorce clouded their relationship, this couple has been through many ups and downs. However, just like any other DC couple, they always find their way back to each other.
6. Batman & Catwoman

Now it’s time for the most legendary romance guru from the Bat family, none other than Batman himself. Batman and Catwoman stand as DC’s longest-running couple and many fans even believe that this couple never received their fair share of welcome. The question that whether or not this couple will stay together forever has only added a more playful angle to their romantic relationship.
7. Polson Ivy & Harley Qulnn

The most endearing story of becoming friends to lovers has pleased every fan out there and this stands strong roots for fan’s love towards Harley Quinn and Poison Ivy’s lover story. The slow-paced romance between the two has always kept the fans at the edge of their seats. Although what hurts most is that the writers and creators have always prioritized other things over their relationship.
Even though these top seven couples have made the DC superhero stories more romantic for the fans. They would like to see some more new couples in the town which will redefine love for everyone.