Believe it or not, there was a time when fans weren’t exactly excited about Michael Keaton taking on the mantle of Caped Crusader. Back in 1989, when Warner Bros. announced the star for the role, a storm of disapproval erupted.

Fans felt the comedic actor, known for films like Mr. Mom and Beetlejuice, wouldn’t be seen as a serious fit for the dark and mysterious superhero. Many worried he wouldn’t be able to pull off the brooding intensity of Bruce Wayne/Batman.

Michael Keaton
Michael Keaton as Batman in the titular flick (Credits: Warner Bros.)

However, his impact on Batman goes way deeper than the initial shock of him being cast. He didn’t just silence critics, but his acting choices actually helped define how audiences see Batman today. Even actors who came after him seem to owe a bit to Keaton’s portrayal.

Michael Keaton’s Impact Shaped Batman for Christian Bale’s Iconic Moments

Christian Bale as Batman in the Dark Knight Trilogy
Christian Bale as Batman in The Dark Knight Rises (Credits: Ron Phillips/Warner Bros.)

Movie magic isn’t always about fancy special effects! Sometimes, the most memorable moments come from what actors bring to the scene themselves. This is exactly what happened with Michael Keaton‘s Batman.

Remember how Batman’s voice sounds different from Bruce Wayne’s? That wasn’t in the script! While filming the 1989 movie, he came up with the key idea on his own. He decided to speak in a deeper voice when playing Batman compared to Bruce Wayne the rich man with a secret identity.

This simple change made a huge difference. Suddenly, it was clear the charming Bruce Wayne and the growling Batman were two very different people. This trick became so popular that even Christian Bale, who played Batman years later, used the same idea!

Another iconic moment in Batman lore can be traced back to Keaton’s improvisation. In the script for Batman, when confronted by a group of thugs, the line for Batman was simply “I am the night.” But while filming, Keaton thought something more powerful was needed. So, he came up with the now-iconic line, “I’m Batman!” Director Tim Burton loved it, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Michael Keaton Claims Superior Batman Voice Over Christian Bale’s

Michael Keaton in Batman
Michael Keaton in Batman (Credits: Warner Bros.)

Michael Keaton, who played Batman in the 1989 and 1992 films, thinks he did the best job out of all the actors who have donned the cape and cowl, at least when it comes to the voice. In a recent interview, the 72-year-old was asked about Christian Bale’s performance as Batman in Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy.

Keaton admitted he hadn’t seen the movies and couldn’t comment on them. However, he lauded Bale as a tremendous actor. When asked about the iconic Batman voice, Keaton confidently asserted in an interview with Absolute Radio, “No no no, let’s be clear I got the voice thing.”

Watch Michael Keaton’s Batman on Prime Video!

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