When it was published back in 2010, the ending to Toy Story 3 was believed to be ideal. It saw Buzz and Woody say goodbye to Andy. And then they move on to their next life adventure. When Disney and Pixar announced Toy Story 4, it was a significant surprise for fans everywhere.

All about how the film completes the saga

Woody and Forky
Woody and Forky

According to director Josh Cooley, it’s all about how this film completes the saga of Woody and Buzz as friends. The franchise started with them meeting one another, and it now ends with them saying goodbye as best friends and brothers. Cooley spoke to ComicBook.com ahead of the Toy Story 4 home release and explained why this is actually the end.

Cooley explains the relevance

Poster of Toy Story 4
Poster of Toy Story 4

“Well, I think that the end of 3, which I love, and first did not see a fourth film, but it’s the end of Woody’s arc with Andy,” Cooley explained. “It’s the completion of his being able to let go of Andy, but there is more to Woody. He’s been such a loyal toy, like so good to the point where he had blinders on, and so this was like, can we show him that everything that he has feared for entire quadrilogy is actually, Bo is that. Bo has become that lost toy that he was freaking out about in the first film and now he’s able to open his eyes and go like, ‘Wow, there is a bigger world out there. I can basically go from taking care of one kid in a bedroom to taking care of multiple kids everywhere.’ So that felt like a big change and a completion of his arc.”

Unusual but apt ending

The ending of Toy Story 4 certainly does just that, as Woody decides to go on the road with Bo Peep rather than going back to Bonnie’s room with the others. He has embraced his new stage of life, something that we never really thought Woody would be able to do.


Source: Comicbook, Simplenews


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