Emerson Elementary School in Berkeley, California screened The Lion King on a ‘parents night out’ last November. News circulating around says that, The Walt Disney Company charged the school a licensing fee of $250 for screening the movie.


 Why the licensing fee?

 Why the licensing fee?
The school was fined for screening ‘The Lion King’

Turns out, the event had screened last year’s remake of The Lion King, without the Disney Company’s permission. However, the event at which the movie was being screened was to raise funds for the benefit of the school.

The parents night out event was a fundraiser for the school and reportedly raised $800.


What does The Walt Disney Company has to say about his mishap?

What does The Walt Disney Company has to say about his mishap?
CEO would be paying a part of fund from his account as an apology

The Disney CEO, Bob Iger realized the mistake and is now speaking up and apologizing for everything that happened then.

Iger accepted their mistake and apologized to Emerson Elementary’s Parent-Teacher Association. He even offered an apology on the social media.


Iger’s recent tweet



The upside of the mishap was that he volunteered to donate some amount from his own account to the school’s fund raising in order to correct their mistake.


The PTA was anguished

The PTA was anguished
The Emerson Elementary School was saddened by the unexpected fine
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