Disney has once again found themselves in legal trouble. But this time it is for the use of technology for their most famous ride; Star Wars: Rise of Resistance.

Raven Sun Creative, a company which is run by a former Universal Executive; Louis Alfieri, claimed Disney has infringed laws by stealing their invention for the theme ride.
The company is seeking damages [not specified yet] and is resorting to patent infringement on Tuesday in the U.S. District Court of Orlando’s Division.

The ride Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance is considered as of one of the most technologically advanced rides till date.

As per the lawsuit filed by the Raven Sun Creative states that it has a patent for the technology which correlated a vertical-moving rider trolley with on-screen video. This helps the riders to experience as if they are also moving in the same environment they are witnessing on the screen before them.

Star Wars
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Ride

The idea of the movement on the tower is to be synced with the video playing on the screen and even the seat’s movement. This ultimately makes the theme park riding experience more real.

The lawsuit alleges that Disney has used the exact technology in their most attractive ride; The Rise of Resistance scene when the riders feel as if they are being thrown out of an escape pod when the ride reaches its finale.

Star Wars
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Ride

Disney has not immediately responded to the request.

Meanwhile, Disney has been persistent that Rise of the Resistance is their one of the most technologically advanced attractions they have every built. And that is not a surprise considering the type of experience the fans get on the ride.

Star Wars
Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance Ride

For those who do not know, the riders are first captured by the Evil Order and they then escape riding on a “trackless” vehicle, which further takes them right past Kylo Ren and to the escape pod.

The lawsuit mentioned that the company, Raven Sun Creative, claimed it had contacted Disney “Imagineers” back in 2014 and even submitted a detailed proposal for the technology, but they were not interested.

Few days, just before Disneyland and Disney World, were shut down because of the Pandemic; Raven Sun Creative claimed they had contacted Disney again and brought it to their notice that the theme park ride was infringing on their patent.

Disney paid no heed and continued to keep the ride for the public; after all, it draws them a lot of crowds and money. Whatever the outcome of the lawsuit is, Disney World will surely not give up on the ride, so fans can be rest assured to enjoy it when they visit next.

Source: Florida Politics

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