The first trailer of the live-action release of The Lion King arrived back in November. Since then, Disney’s reimagining of The Lion King has been among one of the most highly-anticipated flicks of 2019. The trailer acquired a record variety of sights in its initial day. The pre-sale ticket numbers have been remarkable and have suggested a massive haul at the box office upon release. However, the hype train appeared to take a hit last week after the opening night. It met t plenty of unfavourable evaluations from critics, providing The Lion King with a general rotten score on Rotten Tomatoes.


Lion King Still En-route to Success

Lion King Still En-route to Success

In spite of the disappointing reactions, it does not resemble The Lion King is slowing down. Tracking numbers recommend that Disney’s latest is still anticipated to be a massive draw at movie theatres.


Lion King Set For Opening at $150M 

According to Variety, The Lion King is currently eyeing a $150 million launch in its opening weekend break beginning Friday. However, some estimates are also intending higher, suggesting that The Lion King could get to as high as $180 million.

The Lion King is most likely to have among the most significant residential opening weekends of 2019. Avengers: Endgame is untouchable with a record of $357 million in its first-weekend break. The second-highest opener belongs to Captain Marvel, which made just over $153 million. That’s well-within The Lion King’s range. The third most fabulous weekend break of the year goes to Toy Story 4 with $121 million. So even if The Lion King somewhat underperforms, it needs to land in the top 3 for the year.


Disney will have the highest number of opening numbers

Disney will have the highest number of opening numbers

No matter how you cut it, after this weekend break, Disney will have the leading 4 most significant opening weekend breaks of 2019. They have Avengers: Endgame, Captain Marvel, Toy Story 4, and also The Lion King. Sony’s Spider-Man: Far From Home routes the bunch, followed by one more Disney venture in Aladdin. 


Disney’s The Lion King arrives in movie theatres on July 19th. Watch the trailer for the live-action of the Lion King here:


Source: Comicbook, BGR