Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the sequel to the 2016 film, is undoubtedly one of the highly awaited films of Phase 4. Considered to be the first MCU film set in the horror genre, the film also supposedly brings in the conclusion of WandaVision – so there’s a lot riding on the film. However, it seems like the film just became subject to a massive setback since Scott Derrickson cut his directorial ties with the film. The cause of his departure from Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is still vague, and as Derrickson put it, it came down to “creative differences.” 

Robert Cargill On Derrickson’s Departure

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Scott Derrickson’s and C. Robert Cargill previously worked together for Sinister and Doctor Strange

While many are concerned by this piece of information, it seems like Derrickson’s collaborator C. Robert Cargill is making the most out of the situation, joking on social media about his next project. Cargill remained quiet following the immediate events after Derrickson’s split from the film, however, he seems to have taken to Twitter to break his silence. The Doctor Strange writer attempted to make light out of the situation while Marvel fans flooded social media with concerns and worries.

Response From The Fans and Marvel

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness on May 7, 2021.

Naturally, the news came as a devastating shock for fans of the MCU. Since the importance of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has long been established, it left fans wondering if the significant impact this would leave on the franchise. Marvel also took to Twitter to release a statement, conveying: “Marvel Studios and Scott Derrickson have amicably parted ways on Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness due to creative differences. We remain grateful to Scott for his contributions to the MCU.”

Scott Derrickson On His Departure

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Derrickson is known for directing well-reputed horror movies such as Sinister and The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

Although Derrickson confirmed that he’d still be involved with the film as executive producer, it still stands to assume that his association with Marvel Studios is over and that he’s continuing for the name only. Derrickson had also sent out a tweet after his departure, “Marvel and I have mutually agreed to part ways on Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness due to creative differences. I am thankful for our collaboration and will remain on as EP.”

Doctor Strange Official Trailer 2

Source: Comicbook, Vulture

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