Extreme hatred is usually the first thing most Potterheads feel when they see Draco Malfoy’s face. However, despite him being one of the primary villains, especially in the first few Harry Potter movies, the boy proved that he was not all bad. Here is a list of some of his best decisions in Harry Potter ranked. Let’s take a look.

Being a Better Father Than His Dad

When fans watch Draco Malfoy at first, he seemed awful. But later, it turned out that he was nothing but a product of a rigid and unnecessarily cruel upbringing. His father failed to instill kindness and empathy in him. However, he raised his son better than he was. Scorpius turned out to be more open-minded and accepting of differences. Didn’t this make Hogwarts a better place?

Risking His Life for Harry

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Draco covered for Ron, Hermione, and Harry and risked his life. Considering the wrath of the dark lord could have destroyed him, this was a pretty courageous and selfless deed from his end. He knew that if he gave Harry up and left his fate to the death eaters, he would be on the winning side as the war ends. However, the much-needed change of heart stopped him from ending up on the wrong side.

Keeping a Low Profile

Even though Draco was a bully, he followed his father’s advice at the right time. No doubt, Lucius Malfoy was evil. But when the chamber of secrets opened, he told Draco to keep his head down. So, he followed his father’s words, stood back, and kept a low profile while all the drama was going on. Even though he could have made things worse, Draco spent the year being a kid playing Quidditch despite his mistakes.

Trying to Befriend Harry

Even though Harry didn’t respond the way Draco initially wanted, he did offer to become Harry’s friend, Harry rejecting the friendship deeply impacted their potential relationship. Even though in both books and movies fans were made to believe that he hated Harry, Draco did care about him in his own twisted and toxic way. Nevertheless, offering Harry to be his friend was a good decision on his part.

Stealing Neville’s Remembrall

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When Draco Malfoy stole Neville’s Remembrall, Harry realized how amazingly he could fly. Even though Draco’s intention was to be a bully, it turned out to be a good decision. Harry got picked for being a part of the quidditch team. Later, he got to use his skill of flying high to defend himself and his friends several times later.

These were some of Draco Malfoy’s best decisions that proved his evolution as the movies progressed. Does he seem like a total nightmare after taking these into account? Let us know in the comments below.

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