The Fast & Furious crew commended Dwayne Johnson for calling out co-star/producer Vin Diesel’s behaviour on set, according to Johnson. Since its debut in 2001, Diesel has played Dominic Toretto, the head of a street racing and truck hijacking group that later converts to worldwide heists and espionage. With 2011’s Fast Five, the genre’s first big tonal shift, Johnson would join the Fast & Furious franchise as U.S. Diplomatic Secret Service agent Luke Hobbs, who is hunting down Toretto and his group.

Dwayne Johnson’s Interview With Vanity Fair

Dwayne Johnson Thanked By The Fast & Furious Crew For Calling Out Vin Diesel
Dwayne Johnson

Johnson recently chatted with Vanity Fair on his illustrious career as well as his extensive list of impending projects. When asked about his feud with Diesel, Johnson claimed that the cast and crew of The Fate of the Furious thanked him in numerous ways for calling out the star’s behaviour. Take a look at what Johnson revealed below: “It caused a firestorm. Yet interestingly enough…[it was] as if every single crew member found their way to me and either quietly thanked me or sent me a note.”

Johnson and Diesel’s Feud

Dwayne Johnson Thanked By The Fast & Furious Crew For Calling Out Vin Diesel
Fast and Furious

Johnson and Diesel’s quarrel has become one of the most well-known in Hollywood, thanks to the occasional stoking of the flames by one or the other over the years. While Johnson has subsequently expressed sorrow for the publicization of their feud, it’s intriguing to hear the Black Adam star say that the Fast & Furious franchise’s crew sought methods to reward him for standing up to Diesel. The series’ other performers have mainly been mute in public about the two’s squabbles, so Johnson’s note of them quietly thanking him or sending messages is acceptable.
Dwayne Johnson / Vin Diesel

The Fast & Furious cast and crew appreciating Johnson for standing up to Diesel adds credence to the theory that Diesel’s role as producer has caused him to develop an inflated ego on set. Diesel wouldn’t be the first actor to use his or her producer privileges to wrest control of a project; Tom Cruise, for example, did it with the disastrous Mummy reboot and Mission: Impossible sequels. With Johnson expressing his hopes for the team on the final two major chapters a few months ago, it’s possible that a Hobbs & Shaw sequel may finally get off the ground soon.


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