One of the most talked about aspects of Avengers: Endgame is definitely Steve Rogers’s ending. He traveled back in time to return the Six Infinity stones to their original location in time. However, instead of returning to the present he chose to remain in the past and live out a full life as Peggy Carter’s husband. But it wasn’t ever made clear where Steve’s married life took place. Was it in the past of the regular Marvel Cinematic Universe? Or did it take place in an alternate timeline created by his changing of events.

Steve Rogers And The Time Travel Mysteries

Did Captain America create a time travel loop or an alternate branch reality? Pic courtesy:
Did Captain America create a time travel loop or an alternate branch reality? Pic courtesy:

Both of the above explanations work because these are theorized by two different creatives who worked on Endgame. Co-directors Joe and Anthony Russo believe that Captain America created another branched reality. But screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely stated that Steve was actually Peggy’s mysterious unseen husband from Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Endgame Screenwriters Explain Their Version Of Steve’s Time Travel

Steve and Peggy have always been a team. Pic courtesy:
Steve and Peggy have always been a team. Pic courtesy:

In an interview with, Markus and McFeely doubled done on their belief that Steve is Peggy’s Winter Soldier husband- but they also mafe it clear that their theory doesn’t necessarily fall in line with Marvel’s.

McFeely said:

“It depends on what story Marvel wants to tell going forward. I don’t know if Marvel wants to tell any more Captain America stories or if Chris [Evans] is up for it. Do they want to tell an alternate timeline story? Chris and I are partial to the idea that Steve is part of a strange, unique time loop where he has always been there.”

He further says that:

“The husband that you very purposefully did not see at Peggy’s bed side in Winter Soldier is Chris’ Steve. We have always thought that he was her husband. The movies you have been watching follow a line where he always goes back. To be fair, not everyone agrees with us. I don’t even know if Marvel agrees with us. But that’s what we think.”

Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, Avengers: Endgame stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Brie Larson and more.

Want to know more about how Steve could have been Peggy’s husband? Then check out this video below:

Marvel CONFIRMS INSANE CAPTAIN AMERICA THEORY We all Wanted! - Avengers Endgame Explained

(Source: and

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