Even the Batman Christian Bale Got Nervous to Play One Role That Went to Marvel Star Josh Brolin
Christian Bale is a noted individual who has gained acclaim from a lot of fans for his acting performance. His talent was noticed by fans when he appeared in American Psycho back in 2000.
The actor may have won praise for his extraordinary acting skills. However, there was a particular role in W. movie where the star was called to be cast as George W. Bush, but his acting skills didn’t work well in the auditions.
The star unexpectedly stepped down from the cast after giving the audition, surprising both the director and the audience.
Christian Bale was Replaced by Josh Brolin for W. Movie

The biographical thriller movie W. was released back in 2008. The plot of the movie was based on George W. Bush, the 43rd president of the United States of America.
As the auditions for the movie was going on, the whole crew including Oliver Stone wanted the American Psycho star to play as the lead star for the movie, but things didn’t went as per their plans and the role was then finalized to the marvel star, Josh Brolin
“I needed a star, though, and Josh Brolin was not a star,” Stone once told GQ
Stone shared that he always wanted the Ford V Ferrari star to play as lead. However, he never thought that Josh Brolin a.k.a Thanos a.k.a Cable will be offered to play as the lead role. Giving Borlin as the lead role didn’t affect the movie, and after its release the movie managed to get a decent rating of 6.3/10.
Christian Bale Declined George W. Bush Role in W. Movie

The main reason why the Terminator Salvation star was chosen to play in W. movie was because of his performance in Vice where Bale played Dick Cheney.
W.‘s director shared that he was impressed by his performance in the Vice movie which made him confident enough to call him for his political thriller too. Even though the star has casted in a political thriller in the past, there was a lot of hopes that the star could make a great fit W. movie too.
“He got nervous,” Brolin said in a 2008 interview with ABC News. “I haven’t talked to Christian about this, but I’m glad he decided it wasn’t for him.”
“We did some rigorous prosthetic tests and spent a lot of dough—thousands and thousands of dollars—and then Christian said, ‘I just don’t feel like I can do it.’ I met Josh and liked him. He was more rural Americana. But man, he was scared s***less,” Stone said.
Stone revealed that Bale did appear in the film’s auditions, but something caused him nervousness. He continued by saying that the actor had told him straight out that he wouldn’t be a good fit for the movie after which the role was offered to Borlin.
Just like Bale even Borlin shared that initially he also didn’t feel that he can make a great fit for the movie. However, he accepted to play in the movie as he already had a background and interest in politics since his childhood.
Josh Brolin Once Had a Golden Opportunity to Portray Batman

Brolin a.k.a Thanos didn’t only get a chance to star in W. movie, but infact previously he also got a chance to portray the lead star for the Batman movie.
“Yeah. That was interesting to me,” Josh Brolin said.
However, he didn’t get the chance to play as Batman as the director of the movie, Zack Synder chose Ben Affleck.
“That was his decision. That wasn’t my decision,” Brolin said. “It would have been the older, the more raspy, for lack of a better word. Honestly, that would have been a fun deal. And maybe I’ll do it when I’m 80,” Thanos actor added.
Given that Brolin is known for playing some of the most strong and terrifying villains. With this, it’s quite hard to imagine him playing for roles like Batman. However, The actor did admit that he sincerely wanted to play for the role and that he respected Synder’s choice
Source: TheWrap