The Matrix franchise has managed to stay relevant after all these years. The franchise came back in action after more than a decade with The Matrix Resurrections and the reviews are mixed. Well, keeping the reviews aside, hardcore fans were still excited to see Keanu Reeves back in action with some new faces. Bollywood sweetheart Priyanka Chopra was a part of the movie too. Today, we won’t be spoiling the movie for you at all, but we will be ranking every epic fight scene in The Matrix. Check it out!

8/8) Rooftop Sequence

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

To set the record straight, every fight sequence in The Matrix is awesome. But the reason why this particular sequence ranks the lowest is simply because of its duration. It’s brief. The reason why the sequence remains memorable is that Neo and Trinity’s skills and the latter’s epic knife skills. But one thing that sets the scene apart is Neo’s bullet-dodging ability. If you didn’t know, the same sequence was tried to adapt in many movies but none of them lived up to the original.

7/8) Helicopter Rescue

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

The Wachowskis have established that they are great at choreographing sequences with people shooting at each other and we saw it time and again in the franchise. But something about the helicopter rescue sets the sequence apart. It’s maybe because Neo shows up heroically with a Gatling gun from the chopper and unleashing hell.

6/8) Super Neo

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

Just when you thought that dodging bullets was cool, Neo decided to amp it up even further. Neo almost has an epiphany where he realises his true potential. After the Agents fire their guns at Neo, he simply says no, and stops the raging bullets mid-air. It was one hell of a scene that was crucial in establishing Neo as The One.

5/8) Morpheus vs. Agent Smith

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

Morpheus was Neo’s mentor and it’s always great to see a ‘coach’ in action. But one thing that The Matrix establishes is that the Agents are really intimidating and the reason why nobody wants to go up against them. In this scene, Morpheus shows his skills even though he gets his ass thoroughly kicked in the scene. Regardless, this scene explains why the Agents are a force not to be messed with.

4/8) Trinity vs. The Cops

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

Trinity proves that she doesn’t always need guns and ammunition to fight as her bare skills are ferociously enough. The action sequences keep reminding you that our heroes are more than just guns and explosions. When the cops fight an unarmed Trinity, they think it’s going to be a piece of cake. But as soon as she gets into the action, she singlehandedly overpowers the cops and proves that she is a pure badass.

3/8) The Lobby Shootout

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

Recalling the point of amazing gunfight choreography, the Wachowskis once again manage to top themselves. While the sequence does include some new moves seen by the heroes, it’s pretty much a straightforward gunfight where our heroes struggle a bit, but manage to get out of it alive.

2/8) The Subway Fight

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

The subway fight deserves to be ranked so high on this list. The first face-off is something that all the fans kept waiting for and it was worth the wait. The fight has some sort of storytelling and establishes that Neo is indeed really tenacious. A great fight that is choreographed beautifully.

1/1) Neo vs. Morpheus

Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix
Ranking every fight scene in The Matrix

The reason why this fight sequence ranks at the top are because that it is multilayered. This is where it all starts as Neo tests his skills and that too with Morpheus. The mentor clearly helps him to harness his inner strength and it is beautiful to see Neo exploring his newly learned powers. Which sequence is your favourite? Let us know in the comments below!

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