Every Major MCU Characters Introduced In 2008’s Iron Man
Iron Man was released in 2008 which kicked off the Marvel Cinematic Universe and fans are thankful for it. Robert Downey Jr. took on the risk to play the comic book character and director Jon Favreau did everything just right. Iron Man was the movie that introduced the MCU to the world and laid the foundation. Today, we will talk about every major MCU character introduced in 2008’s Iron Man. Check it out!
1. Tony Stark

First and foremost, the 2008 flick introduced Tony Stark who went on to become one of the most famous characters of the Infinity Saga. Robert Downey Jr. played the part so perfectly that people couldn’t imagine anyone else to be it. Because of Stark, the MCU was able to unfold in the way it did.
2. Nick Fury

Of course, let’s talk about the man that brought the Avengers together (even though it was Agent Coulson). Iron Man started the trend of post-credit scenes by adding Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury at the very end of the movie. He right away enlightens Stark that he is not the only superhero in the world. He says, “You think you’re the only superhero in the world? Mr Stark, you’ve become part of a bigger universe. You just don’t know it yet.”
3. Happy Hogan

Jon Favreau, the director, gave himself the role of Happy Hogan who is the bodyguard of Iron Man, ironic and so he believes. However, the character is so loved by the MCU fans that he ended up lasting more than Tony Stark himself. After Tony’s death, he became a crucial part of Holland’s Peter Parker’s life.
4. Agent Coulson

Even though it was Nick Fury’s idea to form the Avengers, it was Agent Coulson who actually brought the Avengers together. After Loki killed Coulson, all the heroes realised that they need for something apart from them, i.e., Coulson’s sacrifice.
5. J.A.R.V.I.S.

The AI developed by Tony was called JARVIS who was voiced by Paul Bettany. The interesting fact is that Bettany, who plays Vision debuting in Avengers: Age of Ultron has been a part of the MCU since the beginning. JARVIS came to life when Tony teamed up with Banner to fuse JARVIS with the Mind Stone.
6. James Rhodes

Rhodes has now become an important part of the MCU. In Iron Man (played by Terrance Howard), his transformation into War Machine was teased when he looked at a suit in Tony’s lab and said, “Next time, baby!” However, Howard never got the chance to play that part as he was replaced by Don Cheadle who played the part well. He is now getting his solo series titled Armor Wars.
Pepper Potts

While people might believe that Pepper is not important to the overall MCU story, she is actually crucial as she is the on who gives Tony a new perspective, helping him to become a less selfish person over the time. Pepper is the one who makes Tony more human and gives him something more to life for.