One of the most beloved Cartoon Network’s animated television series, Ed, Edd n Eddy, created by Danny Antonucci, follows three friends living in a suburban cul-de-sac in the fictional town of Peach Creek. The trio frequently tries to make money from their peers by inventing schemes to purchase their favorite confection jawbreakers. However, their plans never worked and would leave them humiliated, hurt, and in awkward situations. The characters were voiced by Matt Hill, Sam Vincent and Tony Sampson respectively.

Cartoon Network’s animated television series, Ed, Edd n Eddy
Ed, Edd n Eddy is one of the most beloved Cartoon Network series | Cartoon Network

The hand-drawn series premiered in 1999 and concluded with a television film, Ed, Edd n Eddy’s Big Picture Show, in 2009. The animated television series was critically acclaimed upon its premiere and eventually became one of the most successful original series on the Cartoon Network channel. It was broadcast in about 120 countries and became the longest-running singular original series for the network until Teen Titans Go! The creator of the series recently shared his thoughts on the revival, and it’s not what some would have expected.

Creator Danny Antonucci gets honest about the idea of Cartoon Network’s Ed, Edd n Eddy’s revival

Canadian animator Danny Antonucci recently spoke to Animation Magazine, where he shared how he got the idea for Ed, Edd n Eddy which went on to become one of the most popular animated series on Cartoon Network.

I did this design for a commercial, and as soon as I drew this, I started getting these ideas about how these three kids who are friends because they have the same name and puberty is unforgiving. That was it. I did a one-pager on it and sent it to Nickelodeon, and they just jumped on it and they loved it.

I then thought I should send this to Cartoon Network because I was good friends with Linda Simensky [the development executive at the cable station at the time] and knew folks there. So, Linda said they wanted to see more, so I just started developing it.

Cartoon Network’s animated television series, Ed, Edd n Eddy
Creator of Ed, Edd n Eddy says the revival would fail | Cartoon Network

The creator also shared that a lot of the story in the series has to do with his own life experiences. He added that it is what the whole show was about—growing up as a kid and all the awkwardness about it. Antonucci noted that he just wanted to create characters that viewers could believe in and relate to.

During the conversation, the creator was asked if he had had any discussion regarding bringing the series back in any form, to which he said,

For me, I’ve done what I was going to do. I mean, if the network wants to do it, all the best to them; it will fail miserably. They could have done a lot of things, like spin-offs with some of the characters.

Antonucci concluded that he has been advised to bring the characters back for Adult Swim, where they are all grown up, but he adds that it’s just repeating an idea. He noted that going back to the series in any form will not be the same as it was when it initially premiered.

Fans agree with the creator on the Ed, Edd n Eddy revival

After creator Danny Antonucci expressed his honest view on the idea of animated series being revived or revisited in any form, fans did not waste much time agreeing with him. Users online thanked the creator for being honest about hit and successful shows being revived and failing to impress the audience. One wrote, ‘finally someone being honest’.

A user noted, ‘finally, someone who understands some shows should be left alone. I would love to see my favorite show again, but a revival would just ruin it. Ed, Edd, n Eddy was Cartoon Network’s longest running show in the 1990s. 10 if you count the movie.’ Another user agreed and stated that some classics shouldn’t be remade.

Cartoon Network’s animated television series, Ed, Edd n Eddy
Fans agree that Ed, Edd n Eddy should be left as it is | Cartoon Network

While some of the fans disagreed and mentioned that the revival could work as the audience would watch it, they also added that it’s his show and one needs to respect the artist’s wishes. Fans also appreciated the creator for making it, and a lot of users mentioned that they’d just watch the re-runs of the series.

Danny Antonucci, in the interview, recalled that a girl who recognized him at the CTN Expo in LA started crying, which made him realize how relatable the characters were. He added that they really stuck to what kids would go through in their lives, and it was always outdoors. Antonucci noted that it’s very flattering to hear grownups come up to him and tell him that the show has been a huge part of their lives.

Ed, Edd, n Eddy is available on Prime Video.

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