Following the release of the trailer for the Super Mario animation movie, tweets about Chris Pratt as a voice actor for Mario are flooding Twitter.

Most of the fans are largely disappointed by Chris Pratt voicing Mario. Some tweeted he sounded nothing like Mario while another wrote the French dubbed Mario sounded more realistic. Check out the various tweets on the actor’s work by scrolling down below.

Fans are Disappointed at Chris Pratt as a voice actor for Mario

Chris Pratt and Mario
Chris Pratt and Mario

The trailer for the much-awaited Super Mario animated movie is out. However, fans are not pleased with the casting of Chris Pratt as a voice actor for Mario. Fans are flooding Twitter with their disappointment, with one user tweeting,

“Chris Pratt as Mario is a prime example of why you should hire voice actors for voice acting roles because what the hell is this”

While the movie is getting praise for its animation and visuals, the voice of Mario seems to be sticking out like a sore thumb. A tweet on Twitter went,

“Chris Pratt’s voice is still jarring to hear coming out of Mario but everything else in the Mario trailer looked amazing. I’m genuinely excited to see this thing”

Many have praised Jack Black, who voices Bowser for his excellent work, One fan tweeted,

“Jack Black Fits Bowser 100% It sounds Like if you got BWAHAHA from M64 and made it a VA”

And according to the fans the French dubbed Mario was far better and authentic than Pratt’s. The @CultureCrave tweeted,

“France got someone who actually sounds like Mario and we got Chris Pratt.”

Twitter users replied in humorous ways to @CultureCrave’s Tweet.  Some of these are, “We will be watching in Français” or “Bout to learn French just to enjoy this movie” or “Petition to have this French man dubbed in English version lol”. 

The Guardians of the Galaxy star has responded to the review saying he did exactly according to the director’s instructions. But it seems the fans are not satisfied with Mario sounding too much like the actor himself.

The Super Mario animation Movie

Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros

The upcoming movie based on the popular video game Super Mario will be titled The Super Mario Bros. It is computer-animated and stars actors such as Chris Pratt lending the voice of Mario, Jack Black as Bowser, and also Anya-Joy Taylor as Princess Peach among others.

The 2-minute trailer recently released focused mainly on the antagonist. And although many characters such as Luigi, Princess Peach, etc were missing the fans liked the visuals.

Super Mario Bros will release on 7 April 2023.

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