Being a celebrity isn’t easy. It comes with being in the limelight almost 27×7. Everything they do is captured and reported by the paparazzi. At times they’re praised, at times they’re not. Also, it is said that fame changes a human. Some celebrities cannot take a joke about themselves. They’re that intolerant. But, some would just roast themselves for the sake of a joke. Being a sport and playing along. That’s the spirit this world needs! To be able to take a joke on oneself or roasting oneself takes up a lot of courage AND a big heart. So, cheers to all these big-hearted celebs who played along and roasted themselves for the sake of a joke and kept the room cool! Check it out. Also, in the comments, you can let us know who according to you was the best celeb roast.

1. Brad Pitt And Leonardo DiCaprio Were Asked Just To Be Themselves! Celebs Spilling Such Beans About Themselves Is So Cool!

Brad Pitt And Leonardo DiCaprio Celebs / Via: EdwinDarly / Reddit
Brad Pitt And Leonardo DiCaprio / Via: EdwinDarly / Reddit

2. Ryan Reynolds Giving A Priceless Suggestion

Ryan Reynolds celebs/ Via: SourNate / Reddit
Ryan Reynolds / Via: SourNate / Reddit

3. Seth Rogen Answering With All The Honesty Left In Him!

Seth Rogen Celebs / Via: wapu / Reddit
Seth Rogen / Via: wapu / Reddit

4. Barbra Streisand Promoting Wearing A Mask In The Most Hilarious Way!

Barbra Streisand celebs / Via: AlbinoInterior / Reddit
Barbra Streisand / Via: AlbinoInterior / Reddit

5. Ouch! That Must’ve Hurt.

Conan O'Brien celebs / Via: MTheBigOne / Reddit
Conan O’Brien / Via: MTheBigOne / Reddit

6. Everything You Hear Isn’t True Senorita!

Elon Musk celebs / Via: El_Tigre25 / Reddit
Elon Musk / Via: El_Tigre25 / Reddit

7. The Truth Has Been Said, Ladies, And Gentlemen

Jeremy Slater celebs / Via: Joe_McFadden104 / Reddit
Jeremy Slater / Via: Joe_McFadden104 / Reddit

8. When A Picture Speaks Louder Than Words

James Blunt / Via: alfosn / Reddit
James Blunt / Via: alfosn / Reddit

9. DOJA? Stop Being So Blunt Ya!

Doja Cat / Via: CheeseRS_RO / Reddit
Doja Cat / Via: CheeseRS_RO / Reddit

10. Is It Just Me Or Even You Noticed His Stomach And THAT Smile? 🙂

Ricky Gervais / Via: MapleSyrup789 / Reddit
Ricky Gervais / Via: MapleSyrup789 / Reddit

11. There Are Two Types Of People In The World. Rest You Know The Drill.

Photo: A Former Redditor / Reddit
Photo: A Former Redditor / Reddit

12. Ah, Existing Is Such A Difficult Task, I Swear!

Billy Eichner / Via: Jokiat / Reddit
Billy Eichner / Via: Jokiat / Reddit


Jon Bois / Via: WoxandWarf / Reddit
Jon Bois / Via: WoxandWarf / Reddit

14. Pretty Accurate And True, Isn’t It? Well, Who Are We To Question When Tame Impala Himself Said It?

Tame Impala / Via: CliffConHatch / Reddit
Tame Impala / Via: CliffConHatch / Reddit
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