On the 30th Anniversary of Batman Returns, Tim Burton expressed his opinion on Batman Forever’s most divisive idea and most notorious design decisions. In an interview with Empire Online, Burton commented about the sharp, cartoonish turn the original Batman film series took with 1995’s neon-lit Batman Forever. 

Related, Why Batman Forever Is Not Relevant Today

Goofy style embraced by 1995’s Batman Forever

Superhero Movies in 1995
Batman Forever (1995)

Later during the interview, Burton talked about the goofy style embraced by 1995’s Batman Forever director Joel Schumacher. He said, “[Back then] they went the other way. That’s the funny thing about it. But then I was like, ‘Wait a minute. Okay. Hold on a second here. You complain about me, I’m too weird, I’m too dark, and then you put nipples on the costume? Go fuck yourself.’ Seriously. So yeah, I think that’s why I didn’t end up [doing a third film]…”

Checkout, Here’s Why Michael Keaton Didn’t Star In Batman Forever

Tim Burton and his Batman movies

batman returns does it hold up

Tim Burton directed both 1989’s Batman starring Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. He also went on to direct the 1992 sequel, Batman Returns. Due to some reasons, these films could not receive any further corporate sponsors which lead to the reason Burton was released from the franchise. Later, Joel Schumacher was hired to helm Batman Forever. The movie introduced Val Kilmer as the titular Cape Crusader, as well as Tommy Lee Jones as Two-Face, and Jim Carrey as The Riddler.

Checkout, Ranked: Greatest Batman Costumes

Tim Burton believes Batman is meant to be dark


While remembering the Batman Returns, Burton believes that it is just the darkness it became known for. He later adds,  “I’m not just overly dark. That represents me in the sense that… that’s how I see things. It’s not meant as pure darkness. There’s a mixture, I feel really fondly about it because of the weird experiment that it felt like.”

Will we get to see more of Tim Burton?

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However, fans would be more delighted if Tim Burton returns to helm any new superhero project just like Sam Raimi did for Doctor Strange 2. Burton has a fan as the type of storytelling that he brings on the screen is still remarkable. 

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