Google claims that the future platform of choice for fans of multiplayer games won’t be Xbox Scarlett or PS5. 

What’s up next for gaming fans?

Image result for google stadia
High expectations from Google Stadia

High expectations from Google Stadia

Gaming fans can let their excitement levels rise with fantastic new releases lined up within the next few months. Google Stadia is slated for a November release. Xbox Scarlett is set to release in 2020. Even if Microsoft unveils the Xbox Scarlett at this year’s E3, it will not be seen on the market until next year. Sony’s next-generation gaming console is yet to receive its official name, but it is being called PS5 by fans and tech-watchers as of now. PS5 is not expected until late 2020. 

What makes Stadia special? 

Google reveals what advantages Stadia will have over other consoles and PC games
Google reveals what advantages Stadia will have over other consoles and PC games

The Director of Games at Google, Jack Buser, discussed this topic at a recent interview. He explained in detail what makes Stadia special for multiplayer games as compared to consoles and PC games. He used ‘Battle Royale’ as an example. He spoke about the complexity of synchronizing a hundred gaming consoles playing at the same time with varying degrees of connectivity. According to him, Stadia will mean the world’s largest LAN party. 

Stadia will have the benefit of “Ultra high bandwidth and super, super stable connections between every person playing”. Buser says it will be way better than gaming consoles “Because all of these cloud instances are all talking to each other with these very, very robust, high bandwidth pipes”
The capacity will be many times than that of gaming consoles. It remains to be seen how much Stadia will improve the multiplayer experience of the average gamer. Will it be able to rise above the limitations of data caps and slow Internet speeds? 

Are you excited for the release of Stadia? What do you think of the claims of Google regarding Stadia? Inform us in the comments section. 

Learn more about the expected impact of Google Stadia on the gaming world in this video.


Source: ComicBook, WCCTech

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