If there’s one thing which has taken the internet by storm then that is Gwyneth Paltrow’s vagina smelling candle. Produced by her lifestyle company Goop, the vagina smelling candle sold out soon after it was put on sale. But internet demanded to know what prompted her to make and sell it. Martha Stewart even criticized it. Now Gwyneth Paltrow has opened up about her idea and why she sold such a product.

Also how can we talk about Gwyneth Paltrow without talking about her best friend Robert Downey Jr. and if he will ever return to the MCU again:

Robert Downey Jr  Returning to MCU For Iron Man in Disney+ Series

Gwyneth Paltrow’s Company Goop Does Produce Some Bizarre Products

Goop does sell very bizarre things. Pic courtesy: Yahoo entertainment.com
Goop does sell very bizarre things. Pic courtesy: Yahoo entertainment.com

It should be said that Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle company Goop is known for its bizarre products. But very few of their items have made people talk like the very subtly titled “This smells like my vagina candle.” But this actually exists. The candle’s official description says that:

“This candle started as a joke between perfumer Douglas Little and GP (Gwyneth Paltrow)- the two were working on a fragrance, and she blurted out, ‘Uhhh..this smells like a vagina’- but evolved into a funny, gorgeous, sexy, and beautifully unexpected scent.”

The candle is characterized as:

“A blend of geranium, citrudy bergamot and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed that puts us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth.”

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Why Did Gywneth Paltrow Make This Vagina Candle

Gwyneth Paltrow was apparently high on mushrooms when making her vagina candles. We think so too. Pic courtesy: variety.com
Gwyneth Paltrow was apparently high on mushrooms when making her vagina candles. We think so too. Pic courtesy: variety.com

Paltrow in an interview joked about how she came up with the Vagina Candle idea:

“Well, it’s a candle. It’s called ‘This Smells Like My Vagina. It started as a joke, I was like, ‘This smells like my vagina.’ And I was kidding, obviously, and we were on mushrooms, and- no, we weren’t on mushrooms, we weren’t.”

But she quickly backtracked on the mushrooms comment by saying she wasn’t actually on them when she thought of the product. But we must say that she must have been high on…ahem something…to develop her vagina candle.

But her vagina candle has certainly made headlines and made her popular…in a way. Whether she was high on mushrooms or not, it’s certainly a brilliant tactic to keep her name in the popular circles now that she has exited from the MCU.

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(Source: wegotthiscovered.com and Yahooentertainment.com)

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