Jordan Peterson has recently come into the spotlight because of his transphobic tweet directed towards The Umbrella Academy actor, Elliot Page. The 60-year-old author has been banned from Twitter due to violating its rules. According to Twitter, the only way for Jordan Peterson to restore his account is to take down his tweet, but the author has refused to do so. This is not the first time that Jordan Peterson has come under fire for his views on gender and sexuality.

Jordan Peterson opposes the rights of trans individuals

Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson

The author first gained attention in 2016 when he opposed Canada’s C-16 Bill, which prohibited discrimination on the basis of gender identity and mandated the use of an individual’s correct or preferred pronouns. Talking about the Bill in an interview with Jim Jefferies on Comedy Central, the author stated,

“I opposed a bill in Canada that made use of peoples’ preferred pronouns mandatory by law. And no, that’s not acceptable.”

When asked why he cares what they [trans individuals] call themselves, the author replied,

“I don’t care. I care when people tell me what I have to say.”

Also Read: ‘When will Jordan Peterson’s Transphobic Simps Learn?’: Fans Brutally Attack Peterson’s Fans For Dead-Naming Elliot Page, Applaud Twitter For Strong Stance

Jordan Peterson says the West has lost faith in masculinity

Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson argued that the Bill limited free speech. The author stated that he believes that hate speech should be free speech as well “because the issue is who defines hate speech.” He has received a lot of support from conservative groups for his opinions. He has also received support from hate groups such as neo-nazis, KKK, and Alt-right.

The author also believes that “the West has lost faith in the idea of masculinity. That’s no different than the death of God.”

Also Read: ‘Keep crying bigot’: Jordan Peterson Says He Would Rather Die Than Apologize To Elliot Page, Fans Say Good Riddance

Jordan Peterson’s problematic comments about women

Jordan Peterson
Jordan Peterson

Jordan Peterson’s comments are not just limited to trans individuals. He has also talked about women in several interviews and made problematic statements about the same.

“I don’t men can control crazy women,” the author said.

“Women are much unhappier than they were, say in the late 1950s and 1960s,” Jordan Peterson said.

The author’s controversial comments have led to protests by students on college campuses and widespread criticism. Students have gone as far as to use air horns and PA systems with white noise to stop the authors from voicing his opinions. The criticism directed towards him has increased even more ever since his tweet directed towards Elliot Page. But despite everything, the author refuses to apologize and change his ways.

Source- YouTube

Also Read: ‘Y’all stopped deadnaming Anakin’: Twitter Rallies Behind Elliot Page, Fans Cite Darth Vader As Example To Support Actor

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