Vincent D’Onofrio finally made his MCU debut with the Disney+ series Hawkeye and that too in the finale. When the rumours started brewing that Kingpin is making his way to the MCU, fans wanted D’Onofrio to play the part and no one else. Well, that’s because his performance in Netflix’s Daredevil was simply outstanding. And this is what happens with the MCU roles. Hence, when Vincent appeared as Kingpin in the series, it was celebratory. But some fans started questioning his enhanced strength in MCU which they claim they didn’t see in Daredevil. Now the actor has spoken. Check it out!

Vincent D’Onofrio Explains His Strength In Hawkeye

Vincent D'Onofrio talks about his strength in Hawkeye
Vincent D’Onofrio talks about his strength in Hawkeye

Vincent recently sat down with Rotten Tomatoes to discuss his heart out about the character. It was in this interview that he expressed his desire to have Ayelet Zurer, the actor that played Vanessa Fisk in the MCU as well. But he was not done just here. He went on to finally answer the concerning question regarding his enhanced physical strength.

“You know I learned recently, a couple of the fans, they were very excited about it, they were commenting about the strength that I have because I’m throwing Kate [Bishop] around and stuff. But, I forgot. I just saw a clip on Twitter of me and Charlie [Cox] fighting in [Stephen] DeKnight’s first season. He’s an incredible director. He helped develop the character of Wilson Fisk. There’s a scene that we shot on an alley, in a street in Brooklyn, where I’m throwing Daredevil (Charlie) through the air. Like, I’m picking him up and swinging him 15 feet into a garbage can. I do it a few times in that fight. It’s no different, it’s not. So, I keep saying that it’s the same Fisk that was in DareDevil. It’s the same canon, but people get confused about things. I understand.”

Vincent D'Onofrio talks about his strength in Hawkeye
Vincent D’Onofrio talks about his strength in Hawkeye

The actor has never really been shy in explaining and clearing out the air. Previously too he told ScreenRant that Daredevil and Hawkeye exist on the same plane according to him. Talking about his strength, it makes sense because if he was able to throw Daredevil into the air, then it’s pretty clear that Kate Bishop weighs comparatively less than him. What do you think?

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