Marvel Studios Animation’s Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is an upcoming animated series created by Jeff Trammell based on, as the title suggests, Spider-Man. The animated series is one of the series fans have been looking forward to, as it reportedly explores Peter Parker’s origin story.

Marvel Studios' What If
Spider-Man in Marvel Studios’ What If…? | Marvel Studios

Interestingly, the series is set in an alternate timeline where, instead of Tony Stark, Norman Osborn is Peter Parker’s mentor. The show-runner, Jeff Trammell, also serves as the head writer of the animated series. Actor Hudson Thames is going to voice Peter Parker, as Marvel executive Brad Winderbaum recently shared more details about the upcoming show.

Marvel executive Brad Winderbaum talks about the ‘real power’ in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

In his recent interview on the Official Marvel Podcast, Marvel Studios Head of TV and Streaming Brad Winderbaum mentioned the upcoming animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. As already known, the series will serve as the origin story of Spider-Man; exploring Peter Parker’s initial years in the MCU as he learns to use his power and become a web-slinger. Winderbaum shared,

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is Peter Parker in high school, and there are twists and turns in that show that are amazing, but the real power of the show is the ensemble, the neighborhood.

Winderbaum spoke about Jeff Trammell, who serves as the show-runner and head writer of the show in brief. He mentioned that the writer has not only served as the head writer for another animated show, Craig of the Creek, but also voiced the character of Cannonball on the show.

Marvel Studios' What If...?
Brad Winderbaum gives updates on upcoming Spider-Man animated show | Marvel Studios

The executive added that the animated series by Trammell will see Spider-Man interact with various other Marvel characters that the audience has not seen in the MCU.

Jeff Trammell made a show called Craig of the Creek, which was a kids cartoon that spent seasons connected in the backyards of this neighborhood and had a whole mythology that grew out of it. These are the characters you really grew to care for over the course of the series. He has amped that up in such a major way, playing with characters like — not just Peter Parker but Nico Minoru, Lonnie Lincoln, Harry Osborn, and others that flesh out this teenage ensemble.

Collider reports that Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is both connected and disconnected from the MCU. This leaves a certain amount of creative freedom for the makers to introduce the characters without raising any eyebrows.

Charlie Cox addresses his involvement in Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

In early June, during a recent Fan Expo in Boston, Daredevil: Born Again star Charlie Cox was asked about his involvement in the upcoming animated series Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. He said (via ComicBook),

I went into the studio and did some voiceover for that a long time ago. Years ago, I was shooting She-Hulk, so I think that was 2021. I’ve just seen a couple of scenes that I’ve voiced.

Marvel Studios' What If...?
Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man will be full of twists and turns | Marvel Studios

The actor clarified that he didn’t see the scenes, but merely the early drawings of them. Cox, who is gearing up for his upcoming show, Daredevil: Born Again, noted that he has no idea what the story of the animated series is about, but he thinks it’s cool that Daredevil gets to be a part of it.

Brad Winderbaum in May shared with  that the show is very much like a cut from the classic Stan Lee and Steve Ditko era of comic books that ran from 1962 to 1966. He had also mentioned back then that fans are going to love what the showrunner, Trammell, has done with the series.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is expected to release later in 2024 on Disney+.

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