Some may remember, some might not, but there was a time when Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling had a brief more-than-just-friends relationship with each other. Although there was a 16-year age gap between the two, working together on the film set gave them a good opportunity to get to know each other. Also, even after the relationship came to an end, the two had only nice things to say about each other. In fact, if not for the show business world, the pair might still be a couple to this day according to Gosling. Furthermore much later, Bullock also had only sweet things to share about the La La Land actor. Things ended on amicable terms between the two as far as it can be seen.

Sandra Bullock Shared that Ryan Gosling Improved Her Life

Ryan Gosling and Sandra Bullock
Ryan Gosling and Sandra Bullock

Back in the early 2000s, while working on Murders by Numbers (2001), Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling struck a relationship that was more than “just friends”. Although they never went all-out in confirming the relationship, it was out in the public that they were dating low-key. Even though their bond could not last long, however, it was apparent that their 16 years of the age gap did not affect their compatibility with each other. And according to The Times, in 2011, Gosling accused “show business” as the reason for their short-lived relationship. Their relationship reportedly ended in amicable terms as is evident by what they say about each other afterward. Moreover while talking about the La La Land actor, Bullock once shared with Cosmos that he had managed to improve her life.

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According to the Miss Congeniality actor, Gosling taught her to take life slowly and to just “chill” sometimes in the fast-paced world. In that line of thought, She said, “He’s like a little Buddha.”

Although their relationship lasted less than two years, the pair helped change the dating scenario in Hollywood. At the time, it was not a common sight to see an older woman with a younger man. Therefore their relationship was something new for the fans and people in general at the time.

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Who Are Their Current Partners?

Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall
Sandra Bullock and Bryan Randall

Since the 2000s, Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling have come way forward in their film career. They are one of the most popular names in Hollywood. As for the romantic aspect of their lives, Ocean’s 8 actor has been in a relationship with Bryan Randall (photographer) since 2015. And although Gosling said Bullock, as well as Rachel Mcadams, were his “greatest girlfriends” of all time, he is with Eva Mendes since 2011.

Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes
Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes

Moreover, both Gosling and Bullock have two kids of their own. While the Miss Congeniality actress has two adopted kids, The Drive actor has two daughters with Mendes.

Also Read: “They looked at me like I was out of my mind”: The Notebook Director Reveals Studio Hesitated to Replace Tom Cruise With Ryan Gosling Alongside Britney Spears’s Initial Choice to Play Lead Role

Source: In Style

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