“His face just fell”: Matt Damon’s Ocean’s Trilogy Co-star Brad Pitt Envied Him Immensely Because of One Surprising Reason
Friends often act as mirrors and help us reflect on our life choices. Although, the friendly word of reflection best not be spread across tabloids. Certainly not when the matter is as personal as a divorce. Too bad Hollywood stars Matt Damon and Brad Pitt can’t relate. Seems the luxury of private correspondence is not something they can choose to buy. As the former has quite publicly, albeit indirectly, commented on the latter’s way of handling his private matters. This story provides how different the Ocean’s trilogy co-stars’ way of life is and their views on the matters of life.
Brad Pitt Envies Matt Damon For This

It’s hard to step out and get coffee without getting papped when you’re Brad Pitt. Pitt’s romantic life has always been fodder for magazines. Since day one, tabloids have been quick at spreading nuances of Pitt’s newsworthy personal life. Be it his infidelity with Jennifer Aniston or abuse charges and divorce with Angelina Jolie.
Matt Damon recalls mentioning how he does normal things in his life and Pitt being shell-shocked.
“I remember telling him that I walk my kids to school, and his face just fell, because he should be able to do that, too. And he can’t.”
The Air star goes out of his way to ensure that he doesn’t do anything that can make tabloids keen on bringing his personal life into the news.
“I don’t really give them anything,” Damon told Esquire. “If I’m not engaging in outrageous behavior at a bar, setting things ablaze, or being unfaithful to my wife, there isn’t much of a story to tell.”

The statement above can be seen as him throwing shade at Pitt.
Matt Damon Can’t Fathom ‘the trade’ of Brad Pitt’s Privacy

Damon, unlike Pitt, is not tailed by paparazzi on his every move. And it is hard for him to comprehend such a thing.
“I look at Brad–and I have for years–and when I’m with him I see the intensity of that other side of it and the paparazzi and the insane level of aggression they have and their willingness to break the law and invade his space–well, I wonder about that trade.”
“If you can control the celebrity side of celebrity, then it’s worth it,“ Damon explained how he exercises control over his public exposure. Implying that doing this has caused him to keep his life peaceful.
Even though Damon threw a slight shade at Pitt, it appears he got it right when it comes to keeping his personal life out of the limelight. Many celebrities need to take note.
Source: Esquire