• Fans point out Deadpool & Wolverine disrupted the perfect ending from Logan.
  • Hugh Jackman returned as Wolverine after 7 years and was thrilled to be back.
  • Deadpool & Wolverine surpasses Logan's entire run at the box office.

Hugh Jackman, who is widely known for portraying the role of Wolverine in the X-Men film franchise, is one of the most talented actors in the industry. He appeared as Wolverine for the first time in 2000’s X-Men, and to date, he has been applauded for how he has portrayed the character on-screen. The actor reprised his character after seven years for Marvel Studios’ recent release, Deadpool & Wolverine.

Hugh Jackman
Hugh Jackman | 20th Century Fox

The movie’s premiere received a positive response from the audience, with some stating that Marvel had been waiting for a movie like this for a long time. The actors’ performances have been appreciated, and it seemed like the long wait for the movie was worth it. But ardent fans who like to dig up the past went online and dug up what they call one of the best X-Men film endings.

Hugh Jackman starrer Logan reportedly had the ‘perfect ending’

Hugh Jackman decided to say goodbye to his comic-book character Wolverine in 2017’s Logan. It is the third and final installment in the Wolverine trilogy, which was inspired by the Old Man Logan comic storyline by Mark Millar and Steve McNiven. The story follows an aged Wolverine and an extremely ill Charles Xavier trying their best to defend a young mutant named Laura from the Reavers.

Director James Mangold, in his conversation with ComicBook, noted that the movie is set in 2029, as the updated technology and social environment were shown in the movie. The director, in his conversation, had mentioned the post-credit scene from X-Men: Days of Future Past, stating,

There is an epilogue scene in Days of Future Past, which is 2024 or 2023, or something like that. I just wanted to get far enough past. My goal was simple; it was to pick a time when I had enough elbow room that I was clear of existing entanglements.

Hugh Jackman
Dafnee Keen, Hugh Jackman | 20th Century Fox

In the movie, a point comes where 2029’s Logan tells Charles Xavier that ‘no new mutants have been born in 25 years’. According to a Reddit user, the US had put chemicals in the water supply 25+ years ago which prohibited the birth of new mutants. But this contradicts the ending of Days of Future Past and various mutants younger than 19 can be seen attending the school in 2023.

A user mentioned, ‘Charles explains that his eventual goal is to have all children, mutant and non-mutant, in the school. The ‘perfect ending’ shows that goal is realized’. Another user stated that the Fox Universe always had a continuity problem with every movie that came out. Marvel President Kevin Feige shared via Deadline, at the world premiere of Deadpool & Wolverine that

It’s just the beginning, and mutants are coming, and it all starts with this movie. I can’t wait for people to see what Deadpool & Wolverine has in store and know that this is the beginning of mutants finally arriving in the MCU.

Deadpool & Wolverine bridged the gap between Fox and Marvel Studios’ franchises, but IGN reports that it is very difficult to accept that Logan and the first two Deadpool movies are set in the same world. Because it’s clear that Deadpool can break the fourth wall, which seems like something that would happen in modern times compared to Logan, which is set in 2029.

Deadpool & Wolverine surpasses Logan’s entire run at the box office

Recently released Deadpool & Wolverine, according to, has managed to surpass Jackman’s Logan grossing over $630.4 million worldwide. Logan grossed $619 million in its entire run. The recently released Marvel Studios movie’s biggest draw was the return of Jackman as a fan-favorite character after it was reported that Logan was his final outing.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds
Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds | Marvel Studios

Fans and critics are eager to see if the movie manages to surpass The Joker‘s collection, which is $1 billion. Actor Hugh Jackman had spoken to Vanity Fair ahead of the release of the movie and addressed his return. He said,

I instinctively knew that Deadpool was going to allow us to get a different side of the Wolverine character than I’ve ever played before, in every way from emotion, humor, dialogue, and action.

He continued that everything felt fresh and new to him upon his return, and the fact that he gets to share this with Ryan Reynolds and Shawn Levy makes it special for him. He added that he felt rejuvenated while playing the part, pointing out that he has been playing the character for 25 years and it has never felt better.

Deadpool & Wolverine is playing in cinemas.

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