Dragon Ball needs no introduction, it is one of the most popular Shonen series that has been loved by fans all around the world for years. One of the reasons fans love the series so much is probably due to its strong characters. Dragon Ball, and its sequel, Dragon Ball Z, boasts some really great characters who have been a part of the fans’ lives for a long time.

Dragon Ball Z Goku
Dragon Ball Z Goku (Toei Animation)

However, not all characters seem to be fan favorites. Some characters from the Dragon Ball series draw out the fan’s ire. A Reddit thread spurred the fans to discuss their most disliked characters from the series. Here is the list of the five Dragon Ball Z characters who are the least favorite of the fans.

No. 5: Mr. Satan

Mr. Satan
Mr. Satan in Dragon Ball (Credits: Toei Animation)

During the time of the Cell Games in the Dragon Ball series, Mr. Satan was already rich and famous, giving him enough reasons to boast about his strength incessantly on television. To add to that, he is also an egomaniac, which does not bode well for his already dislikable character.

Mr. Satan is nothing but a show-off who relives his glory days by constantly harping about the fact that he was the “best fighter in the world”. He is known to become cocky about facing the likes of Cell and Majin Buu before remembering that he can’t beat them. Not only that but he’s also shown to be incapable of respecting boundaries when it comes to women.

However, it seems like he has gone through some character development according to a Reddit user u/Dryder2, who has started to appreciate Mr. Satan’s character development during the Buu saga.

No. 4: Ribrianne

Ribrianne in Dragon Ball (Toei Animation)

At her core, Ribrianne is a character who believes in the absolute power and strength of love. Despite this, her initial idea of love is little more than “love for herself only” and her teammates, demonstrating more care for outer beauty than inner beauty and a generally shallow understanding of the concept.

She also likes to show off and attempts to grab the attention of all the tournament contestants for her team’s transformation and is unreasonably irritated by Android 17 interrupting them (despite hypocritically attempting to do the same to Goku’s Spirit Bomb).

In the manga, Ribrianne’s shallow beliefs are illustrated, as she believes that one is weak and worthless if not beautiful. In an amusing inverse of her anime personality, she finds the bald and noseless Krillin to be handsome compared to the gorgeous and shapely Android 18, who she finds ugly.

No. 3: Goten and Trunks

Goten and Trunks
Goten and Trunks in Dragon Ball (Toei Animation)

Goten and Trunks are like best friends and both are bad influences on the other. Goten usually goes along with whatever scheme Trunks has, rarely opposing him. This is best shown when Trunks blamed the tournament intermission on Gohan’s defeat in the previous match. Instead of being the voice of reason, Goten not only defends his brother but becomes quite agitated and aggressive while doing so.

Additionally, he has an arrogant personality that fans find quite irritating. Goten and Trunks never take their fights with Buu seriously, but neither of them puts up a serious fight against Buu or defeat him completely. Although Goten was meant to be a replacement for Goku, he never lived up to the expectations.

No. 2: Chi-Chi

Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball (Toei Animation)

Chi-Chi is the stereotypical shounen wife, with every negative stereotype of a “wife” added to her. Initially, she displayed fits of temper, but as time went on, she became a nagging wife and mother who tried to force her children to become scholars.

She is also shown to be indifferent to the fact that the world might get destroyed. She is especially domineering over her son Gohan, preventing him from going off to train with Goku and forcing him to be a scholar.

Chi-Chi also called Goten a “monster/delinquent” when he accidentally unlocked Super Saiyan during his training session and forbade him from doing it again. She is stubborn, immature, and does not take criticism lightly. Even Akira Toriyama, the creator of the Dragon Ball series, claimed that Chi-Chi is his least favorite character.

No. 1: Majin Buu

Majin Buu
Majin Buu from Dragon Ball (Toei Animation)

Majin Buu is perhaps the one character in the Dragon Ball series who is the least liked among all. There are hardly any redeeming qualities about Buu. Unlike other Dragon Ball antagonists like Vegeta, Frieza, and Cell who have personal motivations and histories, Buu’s lack of motivation is constantly frowned upon by the fans.

Most hated dbz character:
byu/SuitIll3576 indbz

User u/ImperialCrown200 commented under a Reddit thread that Majin Buu is their most disliked character. They commented:

I hate Buu. He annoys the crap outta me, his stupid voice and pink face. I wanna punch him in it.

While other Dragon Ball Z villains desired world domination and/or destruction as well, they had unique personalities and reasons for their goals. However, Buu has no motivation for doing anything he is doing as the series goes on. When he finally reaches his final form Buu becomes a mindless fighter, trying to destroy the world for no reason anyone can discern.

You can stream and watch the anime Dragon Ball on Crunchyroll.

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