The renowned world of wizardry, the Harry Potter franchise went on to construct the Hollywood career of many stars. Actors like Emma Watson, Daniel Radcliffe, Robert Pattinson, and Tom Felton are still shining bright in the entertainment industry. Emma Watson is not only a great actor, but also an active advocate for women’s rights and gender equality.

Emma Watson
Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson as Harry, Ron and Hermione

Read Also: “It wasn’t really my fault”: Emma Watson’s Harry Potter Co-Star Blasts Producers for Ruining Fan-Favorite Character Despite Being Extremely Popular in the Books

The cast of Harry Potter has devoted a major part of their life to the franchise. The actors made great bonds on the sets of the fantasy drama and some even reportedly fell in love.

Emma Watson Had Hopelessly Fallen In Love With Her Harry Potter Co-star Tom Felton

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy could never stand each other onscreen, but offscreen their rapport was totally different. the actor duo are great friends and were the center of their alleged romance. During an interview with the reputed media outlet ET Canada in 2021 Emma Watson poured her heart out while talking about the Slytherin champ. She openly confessed to having a crush on Tom Felton. The Little Women actor recalled an incident that involved drawing anything that looked like God according to them. She said-

“I walked into the room where we were having tutoring. The assignment that had been given was to draw what you thought God looked like, and Tom had drawn a girl with a backward cap on a skateboard. And I just don’t know how to say it — I just fell in love with him.”

Emma Watson
Tom Felton with Emma Watson

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Tom Felton’s small gesture touched Emma Watson so deeply that she almost fell for him. Reportedly the Slytherin brat was well aware of his co-star’s feelings towards him, but never spoke about it on social media or in public. However, their connection never turned into a romantic one, but their bond went on to turn into a friendship for a lifetime.

Tom Felton Addressed The Dating Rumors With His Harry Potter Co-star Emma Watson

Harry Potter star Tom Felton addressed the alleged dating rumors with Emma Watson in an interview with media outlet Access Hollywood in 2022. The actor spoke about his bond with his co-star and pointed out

“Emma and I have always been very dear to each other but didn’t start that way. She was nine when we first met and I was 12. And I think I was a bit of a cocky teenager going on 25. But yeah, we’ve been dear friends all our lives and she was very encouraging, actually, for me to continue writing these stories down to make them into a book.”

He even mentioned his relationship dynamics with Emma Watson in his memoir Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard, which read as

“I’ve always had a secret love for Emma, though not perhaps in the way that people might want to hear,” 

Emma Watson
Emma Watson with Tom Felton

Read Also: “Blimey, where did that come from?”: Emma Watson Was Shocked How “Full-on” Kiss Scene Was With Not 1 But 2 Harry Potter Co-Stars

While Enma Watson has openly spoken about her crush on her fellow Harry Potter star, Tom Felton has always tried to shut down the gossip. He even mentioned in his memoir-

“Rumors started to abound that there was more to our relationship than we were letting on. I denied that I liked her in that way, but the truth was different. My girlfriend at the time knew straightaway that there was something unspoken between us. I remember using the familiar old line ‘I love her like a sister.’ But there was more to it than that.”

Tom Felton is currently dating Roxanne, a jewelry designer. The couple first met in 2018 when he was filming Origin in Capetown, South Africa. Emma Watson is currently dating the son of fashion magnate, Sir Philip Green Brandon Green.

Source: ET Canada/ Access Hollywood/ Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard

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